Event Details

Event ID
Darth Aeternus
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

I am writing to recommend Exarch Korras Aquillarum for a Steel Cross. His work in training Link Vortex up to Dark Jedi Knight from the time she was an Acolyte is highly commendable, and has proven his skills as a master. It should also be noted that despite his appointment to Obelisk High Commander, he did not abandon Link, and will probably continue to help her even though his part in training her is largely over - Rollmaster Lenzar Demonis Entar, Head of the Journeymen Trials.

This recommendation has the backing of Malik and myself. Korras has been very successful as a Master, and this attitude has carried down to his students. He has stuck with it even since his appointment to Obelisk High Commander and the relationships he has fostered will probably stay with him and his students for the rest of their time in the Dark Brotherhood. Given his success in training another member all the way through from beginning right up to Dark Jedi Knight he has more than earned recognition - Proconsul Xanos Sadow with the Blessing and Approval of Consul Malik Sadow.

, 2005-03-23 23:00:00 UTC