Event Details

Event ID
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

The time has come to see Jedi Hunter Delak Krennel return to his place as a Dark Knight of the Brotherhood. Just since his promotion to Jedi Hunter a month ago, Delak has participated in nine competitions, earning a Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald Star. Alongside this he has played 10 PVP matches, and 10 PVE matches, earning 54 Clusters of Fire and 140 Clusters of Earth as well as a Pendant of Blood. Delak has also taken up responsibility for heading the CSP Imperial Gazette, a fun magazine sent out with information and articles. Delak is also the Team Sergeant for team Shadow Guard in House Imperium. As part of this he is working on both the House and Team wiki pages, lore, and an assortment of images using his developing artistic capabilities.

Delak has maintained a positive and involved demeanor as he has progressed through this probation. Where many would have just left, Delak has tightened his grip and doubled his own efforts to support himself, the clan, and the club. He is always offering help and support to those who need it, a person to bounce ideas off of, and someone with whom you can go and do so many things with. Congratulations Delak, drinks are on you!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2015-07-22 03:48:20 UTC
Additional reasons

Well Xen beat me to the raw numbers since Delaks last promotion, so alas I must expand on the intangibles which are great too. Delak was one of many members to be CoJ after the GJW and continued to show his dedication even after his sentenced was handed down. Many members during this time frame left or simply AWOLed out, but Delak stuck around. Even while not being able to game during those months which we all know Delak loves, he stuck around. This took dedication on Delaks part to serve his probation enough to stick around until it ended while at the same time contributing to the clan. He was always around and one of the most prominent members in the Clan. I know Delak has served his time and is ready to resume where he left off. He will go on to do big things. Many in the DJB have made hiccups and gone on to do great things. Delak will be the next. Congrats on the promo and here's to the future brother!

Maximus Alvinius, 2015-07-22 03:43:17 UTC