Event Details

Event ID
Warlord Grudac Gruud
Old Rank
Defender (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

I recommend Gui to be elevated to the rank of Padawan. Gui has recently rejoined the DJB, and was placed in House Hoth. Since rejoining he has been in constant communication on the Clan and Knights of Allusis Telegram app. He is friendly, approachable, and eager to learn about the DJB when his free time allows.

At the urging of his Master, he has updated his Character Sheet, participated in 3 ACC matches (2 timeouts, 1 awaiting judgement), and played several rounds of Pazaak with various members of Odan Urr earning 6 Clusters of Fire. Lastly he has been hitting the SA hard completing 23 courses and earning himself 2 Dark Pundits.

He has been at this rank for many years, as such much of his activity occured before his joining of Odan Urr. For the record however he has far exceeded the required time in rank. Earned 2 merit awards, more than 50 CE's, joined the CLan IRC channel, passed 2 courses from the Dept. of Leadership, reached SA rank 3, and written 2000 words of fiction.

Due to all this and at the recommendation of his Master, I would like to see him elevated to Padawan so we can get this man to Jedi Knight!

General Daniel Stephens, 2015-07-24 14:16:38 UTC
Additional reasons

Gui has been under my purview for a short time now. But, since his return he has completed several academy exams, earned a few Clusters of Fire and completed an assigned fiction task by me which was submitted both to me and the Quaestor of the House, Seraphol. In light of this activity and his almost perpetual presence and communication with both his Clan and his House, I would like to recommend that he take the next step along the path and become a Padawan of House Hoth. Congrats, Gui!

Proconsul Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu, 2015-07-24 14:16:30 UTC