Event Details

Event ID
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Grand Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

There's something wrong with the world today. I can't always put my finger on exactly what it is, but in the end, I know when something is wrong, and thankfully, I know exactly what it is that has me out of sorts right now.

I forgot to do something when Zoron resigned from Quaestor.

Now, normally I'm a pretty on the ball guy, something happens and I address it immediately. But I didn't in Zoron's case, because I was disappointed he had to resign. We all know how real life can make demands of our time, and we all know that it has to come first in comparison to the Brotherhood.. but that still didn't make me feel any better about his going, and because of that disappointment, I think I ignored my responsibilities to him.

The reason I was disappointed so badly when he left was pretty integral to my plans for the future of Taldryan. Like a doting mother I had his whole career path mapped out for him in my head, and because of that I spent a lot of time talking with him, and having him involved in every level of the Clan summit. His advice and insight became lynchpins of Taldryan's leadership, and I knew immediately that when he resigned, we'd all be worse off for it.

But that doesn't change any of the facts. During the past four months, Zoron has served with distinction as Quaestor of Ektrosis for three months, where he not only helped me plan the infant stages of Taldryan's current major competition, but also acted as a sounding board for me on any number of issues that faced the Clan. He helped guide the policies we're going to try to enact, and he's played a big part in guiding our path forward as a Clan. He did all this while still maintaining a great personal activity record, and hosting a goodly amount of competitions for both the Clan and the Brotherhood as a whole with his popular Sporcle series of events.

He did all these things while still being the leader of Taldryan's most active House, and while being one of Taldryan's most active members. As a Clan we preach that the foundation of leadership is one's own personal activity, and Zoron was a great champion of that ideal.

As such, it is my very great honour to award Kenath Zoron a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Congrats Zoron.

Dark Prophet Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,

Consul of Clan Taldryan

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2015-07-30 20:43:21 UTC
Additional reasons

Zoron served as a hallmark leader within Clan Taldryan during the four months since his last promotion in March 2015, including months as Quaestor of House Ektrosis. He communicated with his members (and his aedile and successor, Raistypoo) in the forms of email (including the house mailing list) and IRC, and mostly importantly: the seven reports he published since his last promotion. In addition, his leadership of Ekky featured the running of twelve competitions - including the Bogan, Moon of Terror events which were clan wide.

The other part of leadership, at least in Taldryan (and it should be everywhere, but often it isn't) - is personal activity. Nobody is going to be inspired by a leader that says "participate in competitions!" when that leader simply says it, and doesn't not actually do it themselves. Zoron is not that guy. In the time since his last promotion, Zoron has participated in 36 competitions, earning 22 crescents, 53 Clusters of Fire, 86 Clusters of Earth, 3 Pendants of Blood and a glorious Legion of the Scholar.

To expand on what Yacko wrote, Zoron was another head to bounce ideas off - which was particularly helpful in trying to decide on the clan's fictional future (path discussion, gray Jedi talk that we did last year) going into an unknown post-new movie canon. His perspective as a comparitively young member was invaluable - as he provided us with ideas we never would have dreamed about. Those new members are our future, and despite Zoron's recent resignation from Quaestor, I firmly believe he will be back to a leadership spot in Taldryan in the future - and I am looking forward to that day. Congratulations, Zoron!

Howlader Taldrya, 2015-07-30 20:31:01 UTC