Event Details

Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

What else can be said about Misium other than he’s a beast. His last promotion came just before the Great Jedi War, and apparently everything he’d done before was just a warm up act. During the Elevent Great Jedi War, Misium submitted to all eleven of the possible events. He dove into the team events especially with participation in his first Run On with three posts and a battleplan entry. He also submitted five entries across three phases of the recently completed Restoration event, with three coming in the final phase to help carry Ajunta Pall to victory in the competition. All told, he has amassed 34 competition entries and seven crescent awards (three amethysts, three sapphires, and one emerald) over the last six months. On the gaming front, Misium has been quite active with a focus on TOR activity. He has earned himself 38 clusters of fire and 237 clusters of earth for his time in the trenches. Additionally, he has earned ten clusters of ice across three fiction activities and his aforementioned run on participation. Finally, he finished up his tenure as a Battleteam Leader in Plagueis with around a month and a half of service. That duty was highlighted by leading his members through the always-stressful Vendetta time during the Great Jedi War. His continued presence, mentoring activity, zealous nature to succeed, and remarkable overall activity level show him to be very deserving of this award.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2015-08-11 23:07:44 UTC