Event Details

Event ID
Old Order
Sith (Dark Path)
New Order
Force Disciple (Gray Path)
Old Rank
New Rank
Primary reason

I am requesting to change my path to the Gray for a variety of reasons. I have always saw my character as a person not truly Sith or Jedi. She is sort of in the middle. In battle, she only kills as last resort and if there is no other options. In the few fictions that I have had her in, I have tried to show that she has compassion for fellow team members and will try to bring in the enemy alive if possible. On the other hand, she is not Jedi material. I do see her with a small anger issue that she is trying to control. It is not totally out of control, it just peeks out every once in a while. She tends to play mild, mind games with people and enjoys it.

The other reason that I am asking for this path change is that the paths were just introduced. I was throw into the Sith path and I didn't know when or if any one was asked what path they wanted to be in. I like the idea of having my character be not to dark, which is characterized by emotion and self-interest, and at the same time not to light, characterized by serenity and selfless acts. Both sides have their plus and minuses, but for me to have to chose which side best fits my character; I would have to say that she is some where in the centre as far as her over all actions. She has and will continue to show actions that categorizes her in the gray area. She is not overly emotional and at the same time she isn't totally peaceful. I have written her as both devoted to her team and at times she has been selfish with a thought of others. I have never written her as devoted to either the Jedi or the Sith. She has always worked with whoever she was with at the time to get the job done. I do not see her picking a side any time soon and she has acquaintances on both the light side and the dark side.

The last point I want to bring up is that I am a member of Arcona, which is both dark and gray path aligned. Looking at the roster this morning, I could only find one person with the gray path (After a few hours of initially sending this request, I have been able find more people who have switched to the gray path in Arcona.). To me that suggests that every one in Arcona was thrown into the Dark Path, even though a lot of us wanted to be gray. I know that this made it easier for the roll out of the path system and am not complaining, but I do believe that for me the gray path would make more sense.

I am resubmitting this request as per the request that it be sent after Mav's report. As since it has been released for a few hours now, I feel I am able to make this request. Thanks.

Riverche, 2015-08-19 22:01:55 UTC