Event Details

Event ID
Sage Lontra Boglach
Old Order
Sith (Dark Path)
New Order
Force Disciple (Gray Path)
Old Rank
New Rank
Primary reason

I've been playing Raiju as an extremist light sider in Tarentum, under the veil of apprenticeship to Darth Aeterus for the duration of my term as Consul. Upon the conclusion of my term as Consul, as is coming out in various stages of the current clan storyline, my character attempts to liberate Yridia from Tarentum rule only to find the population unreceptive given the nature of their relationship with Rekio Corsair - Raiju's master. Information is passed to Raiju that his master was someone whom tread a fine line between light and dark and in his final act in the Battle of Northland showed his true colours to the clan. Reexamining his place in the galaxy, and receiving word he is exiled from the Jedi of Odan-Urr, Raiju casts off his allegiance to the light and now travels down a different path.

Sage Lontra Boglach, 2015-08-19 20:46:30 UTC