Event Details

Event ID
Howlader Taldrya
Grand Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

I don't know how many different types of recommendations I can write for this guy. Part of the reason for that is I have to write them as often as I do, but to be perfectly honest... I probably still don't write them enough. They quite simply just don't make DB members like they used to, and Howie is the perfect example of that. But before I get into the reasons why I am giving Howie this medal, just for fun, I'm going to write out a few of Howie's favourite quotes, which have been repeated hundred of times over, and I'm sure anyone who is familiar with him knows very well.

  • I'm lazy, I don't do things.
  • Activity is for the kids, I'm roster candy.
  • Dammit Yacko, why are you making me do things?
  • Panda!
  • I'll do it after I wash my hair.
  • I need a nap.
  • Hobo?
  • I'm not active, I'm just doing what I think is the bare minimum.

All of those things say a lot about Howie, but the last explains it even more. Howie just thinks he's shirking by at the absolute minimum limit of what he should do in his position. I'm not even going to get into the insanity of his medal obsessions and all he does for Aabs in the MAA's office (since Aabs recently gave him a SB for his work there), but Howie is a man who wears many hats in this Brotherhood, and probably does more under any single one of them than other people do.

Because Howie is a secretly weird combination of hyperactive and awesome, and quite simply: they don't make DBers like him anymore.

Now, lets get into the laundry list of things Howie has done in the last 6 months since I saw fit to give him a medal. Keep in mind that while he's been doing all of these things, he's also been Rollmaster of Taldryan, combined Rollmaster and Proconsul of Taldryan, Special Magistrate and then Praetor to the Master at Arms, as well as a constant thorn in the DGM's side, and I think he's also a grader for a SA course or something. Howie does all those things, and yet he's still managed to participate in a paltry 76 competitions, he's helped run or ran 20 competitions of his own. In the competitions he participated in he earned a total of 25 crescents for excellent entries (.33 Crescents per competition entry isn't bad), as well as having earned over 1200 combined gaming clusters.

Howie somehow has also managed to earn 4 Clusters of Ice in this time, and has completed an ACC battle. I realize compared to the other numbers, those ones look low, but when you realize how badly he hates writing, it's an amazing feat.

Howie's my right hand man. He's as important to Taldryan as he is to the Brotherhood as a whole, and he's pretty awesome in general, though outside of official recommendation correspondence I'll deny ever having said that.

Oh, and he's also going to complain I gave him a medal right now because somehow despite all he's done, he doesn't think he's earned one yet. This is what I have to put up with.

Take your Grand Cross Howie, and shut up, you deserve it.

Dark Prophet Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Consul of Clan Taldryan

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2015-08-24 17:15:26 UTC