My character has always been a Light-sider dabbling a bit in the Dark and running around with a bunch of Darkies only because she had no where else to go. After that, it was because those Dark-siders became her family. Though Atyiru has and will always have a closer bond with the Light side of the Force, she also taps the Dark, and adores it. She is a Gray Jedi, beloved of both paths.
More specifically, Atty has always been written as caring more for others than anything else, being compassionate, protecting and preserving life, fighting for peace if she had to fight at all, healing ally and enemy alike, and believing in good more than in power. However, she does, truly, possess Gray characteristics as well in being driven by emotion and in being willing to use the Dark Side as a tool just like the light (she actually worships both). It's her love of both sides that's really the crux.
As a Light Path change isn't possible at this time, I believe Gray will be most truly suited.
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-08-25 16:31:40 UTC