Arden triples down as a member of the Voice Staff, ACC Staff, and the CS Development team. For CS 2.0, Arden was involved in every single major discussion involving Feats, Aspects, Skills, Force Powers, Disciplines, and Species. Active in both Telegram and Email threads, he became a key proofer/checker on anything that was written/created. He did multiple passes as we went along and made sure I’s were dotted and T’s were crossed. While not flashy or glamorous, his attention to small details help reflect the true polish of every aspect of CS 2.0. On the content side, Arden wrote over a dozen Species and researched their details and wrote the first drafts of their Feats. He penned three Aspects that ended up being added into the database as well. Again, while Ardens behind-the-scenes work may go overlooked, he is the most active member of the team, responds to tasks assigned quicker than most and is not afraid to switch between the innumerous documents and sheets that made up CS 2.0’s backend.
On top of all of this, Arden did one of the harder manual input jobs of CS 2.0’s launch. He manually added/edited the 2 new Species Feats on the database end. This requires careful data entry combined with making sure the right filters/rules are selected from the creation boxes. Arden did this quickly and efficiently in time with the launch of CS 2.0
Thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to work on, Arden. I appreciate it.
Combat Master
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:57:53 UTC