Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Primary reason

Saronyx has participated in six competitions since her return to Tarentum, including the Fading Light Run On. For her efforts she was awarded two Crescents and one Legion of Scholar. Saronyx keeps communication with the clan via IRC and Telegram and we are happy to have her within our ranks.

I would like to award Knight Saronyx a Dark Cross. Congratulations!


Battlelord Frosty Romanae Tarentae,

Rollmaster of Tarentum

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2015-08-29 14:51:31 UTC
Additional reasons

Saronyx was a stalwart member of Tarentum in previous months, and though she has to wander away every now and again to focus on life (we should all make sure we keep our attention on life and family), she maintains an active presence on Telegram. She is part of the friendly spirit being built among us, and shows the rest of us how easy it can be to maintain activity and friendship here. Thanks for all you continue to do, Saronyx!


Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2015-08-29 13:30:38 UTC