Event Details

Event ID
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

I honestly believe that Frosty is deserving of this medal. Since the last period of review he has been an outstanding performer in weekly tournements and each week sees my inbox fill with dozens of CF awards in his name. Whilst some may feel that the CFs themselves are just reward for this activity I feel that this extraordinary level of activity deserves something bigger, he is an example for all to follow and an inspiration to younger members.

Not only does he take the burden of representing Tarentum in the tournies onto his shoulders he has also proven a good Aedile for House Gladius. Recently he has undertaken an ambitious program to track and register every game played by members of the House since a couple of months back to give the Clan Summit and me a better idea of how things stand in the House, this massive task in itself deserves a just award.

, 2005-05-15 22:00:00 UTC