Event Details

Event ID
General Daniel Stephens
Dark Cross
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

The Dark Jedi Brotherhood is blessed with a membership that goes above and beyond in their efforts to improve the club, but very few of our members have ever taken the time (IRL) to ask an actual Star Wars "celebrity" to sign an autograph on behalf of the club. Actions like these provide an invaluable amount of publicity and generate a buzz around our club. Fortunately, Seraphol, aka DS, is one of these members who cares about our club and strives to do things that will help our community outreach/improvement. Recently DS took time out of his own schedule at DCon and engaged a Star Wars Rebel voice actor/tress on behalf of the club. This awesome little move resulted in a great photo and some great Facebook status updates. DS, we appreciate your hard work!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2015-09-09 21:04:06 UTC