Event Details

Event ID
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Old Legacy
New Legacy
Arcona's White Fang
Primary reason

Marick's Custom Combat Aspect states:

Despite having helped lead Arcona to victory in countless skirmishes and wars, the Combat Master of the Brotherhood is fully aware that he is not the best saberist or battlefield warrior in the Brotherhood. Instead, Marick Arconae considers his mind to be his strongest weapon and will use his attention to detail and the art of assassination rather than trying to take his enemies head on. He will not hesitate to deploy his skills with Subterfuge or expertise with Poisons and Toxins as weapons to discreetly or openly take down even the most prolific warriors in the Galaxy. To that end, the Combat Master has also learned the value of leveraging his knowledge of the profiles detailing the prominent members of the Brotherhood alongside his growing reputation as Arcona's "White Fang".

The White Fang is symbolic of his wolf-like strikes--calculated, quick, and precise--while also carrying the weight of his cleverness in taking down his enemies beyond simple brawn.

It is also reminiscent of his White Cythraul, Kira, who was killed in Great Jedi War XI--arguably Marick's crucible and what lead to him retiring as Shadow Lord.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-09-10 05:43:27 UTC