Event Details

Event ID
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Revak is my right hand man. When I appointed him as AED I made it clear that he would be my Lore guy for House Hoth. While I would retain primary oversight I would give him an overall idea and let him refine it. I have not been disappointed. WHen Hoth was formed I envisioned a war against a Harakoan Warlord to the jungles at our North. Revak has worked on the story, introducing an NPC (Lizmar) for us to develop down the line. THis NPC will grow with the Jedi of Hoth and eventually become a ground pounder version of Wedge Antilles. Revak has fleshed her out from a character that began as a simple farm girl to something that we are growing into an NPC leader of Hoth. She will grow through small story/competition arcs that center around her life as a village leader, then begin working with the KUDF as a defender against further attacks by unknown and possible hostile Harakoan tribes. He is not completed her story yet, but again this will be done in stages over periods of time when Hoth has the chance to run competitions between Clan and DJB events. This NPC will be on the scale and story of a normal member and will be able to be used by any member for their own story arcs.

In addition to her he has also began to introduce the villian for the future of House Hoth in the form of Nebulus. This Sith has corrupted several of our members and we are tasked with redeeming them. Just as with Lizmar being a major NPC to play a role in Hoth, Nebulous is being built to be out nemesis for a time. WHen we make moves to destroy slave rings she is there to ensure their escape, or to capture Jedi. Without going into too much detail she is being used as a story arc for a certain member who is going Dark Side, but will have a redemption arc. In a reversal from Lizmar, Nebulous will be Summit only as we have certain plans for her and either her death or her own redemption arc. I say unknown because with NPCs we tend to allow the winning member to decide their fate of life or death.

As for the Butcher events. This was to be our first House competition. Revak has turned this into a saga of epic proportions. His idea to ensure that the winner of each round would be a prominent figure in the next event has motivated several of our members. His ultimate goal for them however is that the overall winner of the saga will choose life or death for the Butcher and his loyal minions. In 15 years I have never seen an idea like this (may have been used in units I have not been part of), this unique idea has our members, particularly several of our Journeyman being a large part of our unique participants in the events.

As a leader Revak has had to step up several times in the past few weeks for me. I have had to train for a new job, and have recently had sickness that has kept me down. Revak has stepped up without a hiccup. If I had to go on an emergency LoA he would be there to answer questions abou competitions, create competitions, and to greet new members and advise them on how to advance until I could come back

When we were paired up to run Hoth, I was a bit anxious, however I can honestly say that if I resigned tomorrow that Revak would be able to step up to the plate as QUA and run this house with no one knowing there was a difference other than a name change on the roster.He is ready to take charge of the unit when my time to step down comes and make his mark on House Hoth.

Beyond that since his last reward he has earned 22 CI’s for 11,000 words of fiction, and he has organized 18 competitions. While he has been unable to participate in any competitions and such earn any rewards it is in part because his duty to help with House Lore. He is also quite active in both our clan mailing list, and Telegram. Lastly he helps me with ideas for our “Roadmap for Hoth”. This is the ideas, competitions, and timeframes we want to work on for the House and what direction it needs to go. For all of this I would like to award Revak a Steel Cross for his efforts in maintaining an active and engaging leadership in House Hoth.

  • Seraphol Ceartas, Quaestor House Hoth

General Daniel Stephens, 2015-09-26 22:50:50 UTC