Event Details

Event ID
Aidan Kincaid
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Primary reason

Shadow has been my Magistrate for some time now, and the newly posted Rites of Combat would not yet have been here, if it was not for his work on them. He came up with the first draft, after only being told that I wanted to make them, and has been updating them as the discussion about them went on.

Also, he is working with me on getting the Obelisk HQ ready, as well as the Obelisk Order Powers, and generally commenting on random things related to the OHC's office that I have running through my mind at any given time.

Furthermore, no-one can deny the work he has been putting into the entire Obelisk order, even before I hired him. As a result of all this, and with Jac's approval, I hereby award Shadow Taldrya an Amethyst Kukri.

Congrats, and may the Thrust be with you.

~OHC Korras

, 2005-05-22 22:00:00 UTC