Event Details

Event ID
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Dentah has been a rock of leadership in recent time for House Qel-Droma. Although only leading one of the Battle Teams, Denath proved his worth time and time again by being active in promoting both Clan activities, as well as making sure his house had other activities with which to participate in.

When the House Summit abruptly left/disappeared, Denath quickly stepped in when needed and made sure that the house didn't fall into a state of disrepair. Quickly taking the reins, Denath took hold and communicated with the house the importatant events taking place, putting up a report covering all the bases and finding a new Aedile before the IGs began.

On top of all this, Denath continues his work as Arconan historian, keeping an archive of all of the important Arcona documents.

Fanatsic job, D'hak, and keep it up!

~DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae

, 2005-05-22 22:00:00 UTC