Data Delel is a great member of Tarentum and we cherish her presence in this Clan. She is hard working and a pleasant member to be around. Her activities include hosting of DJB wide competitions and placing in competitions hosted by other members. She has done well for herself in said competitions as she recently received some Crescents for her efforts.
Dazta is also active in the Shadow Academy department, where she has passed and earned various degrees, which recently included the Leadership Reports and Leadership Competitions exams. She passed those exams with perfect score, like all her exams for that matter. I see the influence of her Master, Ranarr Kul, in her actions and their Master/Student relationship is one of the best in Tarentum at the moment.
I think there is no more deserving member of a promotion to Hunter than her. Congratulations, Hunter Dazta Delel!
Battlelord Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Rollmaster of Tarentum
Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2015-10-02 20:35:02 UTC