Event Details

Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

The Fall of SCEPTER was comprised of 13 competitions spanning over the entire month of September. By the end, we had 27 participants and over one hundred event submissions! The story unfolded from a simple distress call into a major event that brought back an old enemy to Arcona; however, this story was entirely created by the submissions of the participants.

Riverche has become a very integral part of Galeres. Not only did she make time to submit to 5 competitions, but she earned 13 total points for the event. While taking home the prize in Codename: Wonderduck, she also provided invaluable insight and ideas for future fictional updates within the story. Additionally, River has been a HUGE asset to the Galeres leadership team with her welcoming, open manner on Telegram and IRC with new members and recently returned veteran members.

In addition to her recent participation, she has been active on other fronts as well. She has participated in twenty one (21) competitions and collected three Crescents (2 Cr-A, 1 Cr-T), seven Clusters of Fire, twelve Clusters of Ice. This comes largely from submitting two PVP matches and entering five fiction competitions (6,488 words!). Additionally, River has passed 7 SA courses and gained 4 Dark Side Degrees!

Thank you for everything, Riverche. We appreciate your continued activity and participation in both Galeres and Arcona.

Quaestor of Galeres

Braecen Kaeth, 2015-10-10 18:15:39 UTC