Event Details

Event ID
Evelynn Wyrm
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Marcus Kiriyu
Primary reason

Aexod has previously proven to be a very motivated Journeyman, skyrocketing through the ranks at record speed. He is the quintessential student, always asking for additional objectives, or creating his own. Because of this I am honored to recommend his promotion to Hunter. In support of this recommendation I submit the following facts:

Aexod has spent the required 21 days as Acolyte. During this time he has participated in four competitions, bringing the total to 8. He has written 2000 words of fiction, in both ACC matches and character fiction. In addition, he has reached rank 3 for both SA and GMRG societies.

Not content with stopping there, he has placed in 4 competitions, earned 92 clusters of earth, bringing the total to 134 and has organized his own gaming competition called 'Hey Everyone, get in here'.

For all these achievements, I am proud to see Aexod elevated to rank of Hunter. Congratulations.

Marcus Kiriyu, 2015-10-19 14:17:45 UTC