Event Details

Event ID
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

Since he last got a medal pinned to his ever-present (and ever stiff) uniform, Esca — known on his dossier as Arcia Cortel — has organized three competitions, co-organized 16, and participated in 35, three of which were fiction activities of 2786 words in addition to 2939 words across three Run-On posts and an ACC match during the most recent wide scale ACC campaign. Besides the 15 Clusters of Ice his writing has earned him, Esca also possesses an astounding pile of 1397 Clusters of Earth and 583 Clusters of Fire from 5 PvP matches and 174 PvE gaming activities. These rigorous trials in gaming, fiction, and even graphics across various competitions have also garnered Esca 12 Crescents for his impressive contributions, including three Ruby, one Amethyst, two Sapphire, four Emerald, and one Topaz-starred reward. In the midst of all this personal activity, however, Esca also made endeavors in teaching and tutoring, passing three courses and earning one degree and one Legion of the Scholar from the Shadow Academy. He went on to pass his variegated experience and work ethic to several students, guiding them to Knighthood and beyond, tutoring them in leadership positions such as Battleteam leader and Sergeant, efforts that got him a Scroll of Indoctrination and three Scrolls of the Master and got Arcona several aspiring members.

Of course, general activity, while impressive, is not all we look for. The meat of Esca's worth lies in what he gives back to his Clan and the club, beyond submissions, shinies, and services. Esca has spent roughly ten months in various Clan-level leadership positions, three of which he's also served the whole Brotherhood as a busy Magistrate to the Herald. While a week as a Battleteam leader (at least, since last rewarded), four months as a Quaestor, and five months as a Proconsul might look a little odd, even flakey, I assure you that Esca is nothing of the sort. His quick steps up through these positions were noble ones of necessity: even if unsure he was suited or ready for the tasks before him, Esca has always been one to put himself forward when he is needed, and his Clan needed him plenty over the last year. Various circumstances from real life emergencies to busy schedules and new DB opportunities had us needing him more and more, and it's always been my comfort to have him there on my team to rely on when everything else was hectic. He served admirably as Quaestor in organizing competitions and managing his members, Aedile, and Battleteam leaders, and he's served even more so as my Proconsul.

Proconsul isn't the most glorious position, not typically. The site will only be able to tell you that I posted several Consul reports, not that he was right there, co-writing each one with me, gathering the numbers and statistics, managing and spearheading our improvement projects and writing about them in his Proconsul report sections. The site won't tell you that he has written countless emails to our clan about wiki updates, tagging articles for review or overhaul in the Arconan Article Improvement Initiative, gathering mentors and plotting a mentorship program, or pushing a recruitment drive — nor will it tell you that he reviews and edits just about every single email I send, without one word of complaint. The site won't tell you that he spends precious few, squandered hours at the end of an insane work day in Google Documents with me, piecing together recommendations, responses, plans, and schedules to better serve our people. But those are all things he does diligently whether or not they're quantified, and they're the many tasks that keep the Clan afloat. If I'm the one above the crowd, shouting about sunshine and rainbows and rallying, then Esca is the one holding me up, the critical pillar of support.

I never really know where to start in quantifying and qualifying everything Esca does for me from day to day. It's not always something easily recognizable, and people don't see it much because he does so much of what he does quietly. He's not the glory kind of guy or your loud kind of leader, but he's hardworking and dedicated. This guy is my right- and left-hand man. So thank you, Esca, for doing the dirty work, the work that isn't so grand or rewarding, that keeps us all together and keeps Arcona strong. We're all grateful, and I hope this first and well-earned Grand Cross shows it. Congratulations.

Atyiru Caesura Entar

Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-11-08 23:59:09 UTC
Additional reasons

To receive a Grand Cross - especially your first one - is a monumental moment in a Brotherhood career. It symbolizes the bridge between the last of the merit awards and the first of the sacrificial awards in our club. It shows genuine interest in the well-being of the club and the members within that club. I can think of no finer recipient than Arcona's very own Arcia Cortel (Esca).

With distinction, Esca has served as a leader within Arcona for the past eight months. He has held vital roles as both Quaestor of House Galeres and Proconsul to the continued development and forward motion of the Clan. To manage the 'to-do' list of the First Clan is a burdensome chore, but he somehow finds time to complete numerous tasks - some arduous, some tedious - to keep our clan afloat: post 4 reports, host 10 competitions, plan/oversee countless Arcona competitions, mailer updates, irc management, house and clan oversight, tagging wiki articles, maintaining the project matrix (wiki, fictions, competitions, MSP, etc), working alongside BTLs, fictional development, proof reading, e-mail responses (at all times of the day/night), clan leadership meetings, etc etc et al. The list can go on and on for all the things Mike has his hand in... for Arcona's members.

The most important thing - beyond that laundry list of Proconsul grinding - is that he is there for his members: mentor, counselor, cheerleader, and disciplinarian. He continues to push individual members forward (3 DJK's raised: Xeipha, Rulvak, Nashiro) and individual leaders (Uji as Aedile of Galeres, Turel as QUA of Galeres then PCON of COU, Kordath as BTL of Nighthawk then Rollmaster) to the forefront. He uniquely takes time to find tasks that fit each member's interests and skill sets then unleashes them to do GREAT work without taking any credit. Whether its opening a new BT, creating new guidelines for leadership interviews, opening meaningful dialogue in a post-DJK mentorship program, or simply counseling a member that is down and out... no task is too large or too small for him to pass on.

Congratulations, Esca.

Braecen Kaeth, 2015-11-08 23:59:00 UTC