Event Details

Event ID
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

Kelly Mendes has been a powerhouse of activity over the past three months. During the recent Plagueis/Tarentum: Forged Alliances event, Kelly was one of only two members of House Ajunta Pall to complete all seventeen competition events. Not satisfied with only competing, Kelly put forward some incredible submissions and efforts, winning a gaming event and a cryptogram event, and placing in the top three in a fiction and poetry event.

Kelly exemplifies everything a leader hopes for in terms of active membership. She puts forth her best effort in every single thing she does, and it shows in the rain of clusters and crescents that shower her at the end of every competition.

It is with all this in mind that I strongly recommend her for a Steel Cross. Congratulations, Kelly! Job well done!

Master Dracaryis, 2015-11-26 15:02:01 UTC