Event Details

Event ID
Envoy Taranae Rhode
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

Taranae is one of the most consistent and solid members of House Ajunta Pall. During the recent Plagueis/Tarentum: Forged Alliances event, she was one of only two members of the House to complete seventeen of seventeen events. Taranae doesn't just submit to competitions, she provides quality submissions. For her efforts, Taranae walked away with a crescent for Graphics, one for poetry, and a whopping three for fiction events, with one first place event finish!.

Taranae is an absolute joy to have as a member of my leader team, and through her efforts she shows the newer members of the club what right looks like.

For her efforts over the course of Forged Alliances, I strongly recommend that she receive a Steel Cross. Congratulations, Taranae. Keep up the good work!

Master Dracaryis, 2015-11-26 15:11:26 UTC