Event Details

Event ID
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Old Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
New Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Battlelord Selika Roh di Plagia is without a doubt one of the Dark Brotherhood's most active and dedicated members. Selika is driven to excel in nearly every facet of our club and has succeeded in achieving near unparalled success. A key leader and mentor in Plagueis, check. A staff member who provides services and guidance to our entire membership, check. A writer who excels at creating entertainment for members and also excelling in our competitions, check. A gamer who challenges even the might GM in clusters, check. Selika has done it all, does it all, and will no doubt continue to do it all.

Outside of the objective numbers that will be covered in excruciating detail below, there is a very subjective metric that I truly believe separates members who near the rarefied air of EQ4 and above. This subjective metric can be summed up simply, the will to improve our club. Selika has this will. He wants to find areas of the Dark Brotherhood that need improvement and then determine the best ways to make them better. He supported DJB fiction projects without the expectation of award. He volunteered for T:Wii without the expectation of recognition. He served as a mentor to our members, without the glory of positions. Selika wants to make our club a better place and he has done it over a consistent period of time.

It is my honor to lead Selika's EQ4 promotion and my privilege to the be the first to congratulate him on the rank of Warlord.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2015-12-02 01:24:55 UTC
Additional reasons

I am absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to provide my input towards the recommendation for Selika Roh di Plagia's elevation to Equite 4. Selika (known to most of us Plagueians as Slagar, or more affectionately, "Slags") is quite possibly one of the club's absolute best, and the numbers are there to prove it.

Since his elevation to Equite 3 well over a year ago, Selika has shown that he is a force to be reckoned with in just about all aspects of the Club. An avid gamer, he has participated in over 350 separate gaming activities, garnering a mind-bending 5852 Clusters of Earth, 313 Clusters of Fire, and 13 Pendants of Blood. Because of these numbers, he is always in the running for the highest levels of the Grand Master's Royal Guard. Additionally, he has written over 13,500 words of fiction, earning 27 Clusters of Ice for his efforts. To put that number into perspective, candidates for Masters degrees generally only have to write a 10,000 word thesis. Simply amazing! Selika doesn't just participate in competitions and activities, he wins or comes close to winning everything he competes in. Selika has earned numerous crescents of all levels and types, as well as three novae, two silver and one gold. These numbers are enough to give anyone Dossier envy!

Selika isn't just a consumer in the DJB, he is a producer. In the past year, he has organized or co-organized 42 competitions, most notably the well received Clan Plagueis Restoration event. As Quaestor, he led his house to victory in that same competition, with his house members outscoring House Karness Muur by a nearly 100 point margin.

Over the course of the past year, I have had the fortunate opportunity to work directly with Selika in many different capacities. He was one of the first members of Plagueis to welcome me into the fold, and he guided me through the Journeyman ranks and my first forays into DJB leadership. I was his BTL, then his Aedile, and now I hold the job he left to become Proconsul. Throughout this growth, he has provided calm and measured guidance, and most importantly friendship. I'll make this blunt: Selika is one of the reasons I care as much about this club as I do. He sets an absolutely outstanding example to everyone he deals with, and I couldn't have asked for a better guide and mentor as I continue to learn the ropes in this club. To say he has earned this promotion to EQ4 is a colossal understatement: he deserves this promotion.

Congratulations, friend!

Master Dracaryis, 2015-12-01 05:38:44 UTC

Selika is one of our most remarkable members. As if being one of our most active participants (78 competitions since last promotion!), an active leader (organizing a half dozen competitions and co-organizing more than thirty as QUA and then PCON - as Plagueis members attest in the other reccs, and most skilled members (3 Novae and nearly two dozen crescents) wasn't enough, Selika has now devoted much of his attention to the club as a whole. Selika's Amethyst Kukri exemplifies the kind of member he is - the medal was given not just for his incredible work ethic in his Clan but also his assistance to the Dark Council.

As a Tribune, Selika has done an excellent job in managing the Wiki and overseeing some important changes. Selika has made literally hundreds of Wiki changes since becoming Tribune, but more importantly, Selika has implemented policies in how we handle article names of units to better fit the new way we handle Clans and Houses and has prepared the Wiki for our massive shift in canon. Much of Selika's contributions come as a skilled and thoughtful advisor, considering positions and offering valuable feedback during small-team discussions.

The mark of an Equite is that they make the club a better place. For some, these are small actions, within a Battleteam, a House, or a Clan - activity, leading competitions, and making units more fun and enjoyable. For others, they are Brotherhood-wide actions, taking on positions like Wiki Tribune and making the Wiki a cleaner, better place. For the rare few, they combine incredible dedication at the Clan level with selfless work for the Brotherhood as a whole. Selika is one of those few, and thus, his promotion to Equite 4 is, without a doubt, deserved.

Congratulations, Slags. You deserve it!


Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2015-12-01 19:30:25 UTC

Selika has been, quite literally, a powerhouse driving Plagueis. As a mentor and as proconsul, Selika has pushed everyone in Plagueis to their full potential, and makes them care about Plagueis as a unit more than they ever thought possible. His dedication to the clan cannot be understated, and is shown in everything he does.

When I chose him to be my proconsul I knew I was choosing someone who has been my friend for almost 15 years, but I was also choosing someone I knew had a drive unlike any other to improve the product we provide for our members. With the recent Forged Alliances event with Tarentum, Selika helped coordinate, create, grade, and facilitate many of the events. He’s pushed everyone in Plagueis to participate in not only Forged Alliances but every facet that the Brotherhood offers.

On top of all of this, Selika has been assisting Plagueis in bringing together a successful framework to carve out a future for Plagueis, and most importantly, our future with Episode VII quickly approaching. With major contributions to the ideas Plagueis have been putting into place coming from Selika, I have no doubt that without his assistance we wouldn’t have been ready in time.

The dedication to these major, time-extensive projects, are all examples of the things we look for in upper level equites. I am more than thrilled to write this recommendation for Selika’s promotion to EQ4, which is far more than deserved. Congratulations!

Teylas Ramar, 2015-12-01 23:51:21 UTC