With his recent return to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Chizz has picked up gaming again with fellow Diablo 3 players and started to immerse himself in the community. Despite his rocky start Chizz has decided to give back to the community and it is with great pleasure that I recommend Chizz for promotion to Acolyte based on the following achievements:
He has helped Organize 2 competitions and participated in 5 of them. He has an approved character sheet, reached GMRG and Shadow Academy rank 2. He has spent the required time in rank whilst earning at least 40 Clusters of Earth. Finally Chizz has been seen to hang around on IRC and chat with a few members.
Welcome back to the Brotherhood and I hope to see more from you in the future!
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade, 2015-12-02 11:49:29 UTC