Event Details

Event ID
Envoy Taranae Rhode
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Teylas Ramar
Primary reason

As a member rises in rank, we as a Brotherhood continue to ask more and more of them. Some rise to the challenge, others fall between the cracks, hiding in comfortable apathy among their peers. Taranae Rhode is not one of those members willing to hide. Over the course of the past year, Taranae has been a shining star in Clan Plagueis with distinction through both service and activity, and the numbers are there to prove it.

Since last November, Taranae has amassed quite the resume of competition and merit awards. She has won numerous competition crescents (1 Diamond, 9 Ruby, 6 Amythyst, 3 Sapphire, 1 Emerald, and 4 Topaz), two Pendants of Blood, 59 Clusters of Fire, 67 Clusters of Earth, and a whopping 36 Clusters of Ice. To put the Clusters of Ice into perspective that is over 18,000 words worth of fiction spread across ACC battles, Run-Ons, and other competitions. To say she has put forth a great deal of activity is a massive understatement, but for our Equites, simple activity is not enough. We expect our more senior members to provide--to give something back to the club we hold so dear. Taranae has done that and then some!

Over the course of the past year, Taranae has held multiple leadership positions within Clan Plagueis. She began her EQ1 year as Clan Rollmaster, stepping down only to assume another leadership position as Aedile of House Karness Muur, a position she held for over seven months. During that seven month period, she was awarded not just one, but two Grand Crosses: the first for her efforts during the Eleventh Great Jedi War and the Clan Plagueis Anchorage Event and the second for her efforts during the Plagueis Restoration Event. Stepping down due to real life constraints, Taranae took a short break to get her life in order, only to quickly return as the Battle Team Leader of House Ajunta Pall’s Disciples of Dreypa. Leading from the front, Taranae earned a Steel Cross for her efforts in leading her team during the Plagueis/Tarentum Forged Alliances Event. She also earned a Scroll of the Master for mentoring Tevarias (now known as Tistito “Tisto” Kingang) to the rank of Knight. She was awarded a Legion of the Scholar by the current Grand Master for achieving 2nd Place in the Star Wars Celebration: Telegram competition. Finally, displaying her desire to see the club grow its member base, Taranae has earned three scrolls of indoctrination, by recruiting new members into the Clan’s ranks. Because of her consistent level of activity and drive to make Plagueis better, Dracaryis literally begged the Clan Summit to allow him to offer her the position of Aedile of House Ajunta Pall.

There are many who achieve the grade of EQ1 that allow themselves to stagnate. Taranae is not one of those people. Her daily interactions with the members of Clan Plagueis prove that she is ready to continue to climb the Equite ladder. In view of all her accomplishments and service over the past year, I strongly recommend her for elevation to Equite 2.

Teylas Ramar, 2015-12-15 23:40:17 UTC