Event Details

Event ID
Colonel Len Iode
Old Rank
Sergeant Major (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Lieutenant (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Adept Xantros
Primary reason

It has been a great pleasure for me to observe Len Iode climbing through the ranks of the Novitiate and Journeyman tiers. He has done brilliantly throughout two months since his arrival to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and Clan Odan-Urr. Now, he has made the very last step to become Captain and complete his training days.

Len has displayed great dedication and activity by fulfilling tasks, which are necessary to earn the promotion to the rank of Journeyman 4. It is particularly notable to mention that he has co-organized two DJB-wide competitions with Edgar Drachen, which are Matchmaking for Glory #7 and Casino Night (Pazaak). Apart from this, he has earned a Crescent with Amethyst Star, gaining total number of two Crescents in his career so far. Since his promotion, he has submitted to five competitions, which sums up with fourteen competitions, which he had taken part before 30th of November.

Len has also gained 29 Clusters of Fire since his last promotion and accumulated total number of 88 Clusters of Fire and 54 Clusters of Earth. Thanks to this, he has reached Rank 4 in the society of the Grand Master's Royal Guard. In addition to his gaming activity, he has very recently passed Leadership: Reports and Leadership: Management courses with the score of 93% and 92% respectively. Finally, he has prepared an over 1500 words long story revolving around his character.

All in all, Len has definitely proven that he is more than ready to complete his training and be promoted to the rank of Captain. Very well done, my friend! Congratulations!

Adept Xantros, 2015-12-29 13:23:50 UTC
Additional reasons

Len has been an excellent Apprentice and has worked very hard to get to this point. He was always one step ahead on his promotion checklist throughout the JM ranks.

Beyond that he has been eager to take on new roles and become more of a active member of his BT and the Clan itself. I'm very proud of Len and already see the many great things he will bring to not only the Clan but himself as well!

Congratulations Captain Len you earned it!!!

Edgar Drachen, 2015-12-28 15:52:06 UTC

There is no need for me to add anything concerned what Len has done as Xantros has already supplied the information. Instead I would like to take a short moment to congratulate Len on a well deserved promotion, which I watched him work very hard toward - this step up is not one to be taken lightly. I am always very proud to see members like Len in my house, active and hard-working. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you. Congratulations!

Mar Sûl, 2015-12-28 17:05:10 UTC

In this important and esteemed moment, I can offer only the highest recommendation of promotion for Lieutenant Len Iode. I have known him since his early initiation of membership in the Brotherhood and entering the Disciples of Baas that I lead as the student of previous Baas Sergeant, Edgar Drachen. Since the very beginning in careful examination, I have been persistently impressed by both Len’s attitude and performance, synergistically creating a distinguishing quality in his path of military career.

Len Iode has performed his duties in excellent manner and becoming one of the best specials the Disciples of Baas ever had. He possesses the soul and depth of doctrinal knowledge, an exemplary of loyalty and exceptional dedication. He has established an outstanding rapport of his duties to his mentor and leaders. Len’s ability to get work of service done in time is highly respected.

Lieutenant Len Iode has served about twenty eight days in his current duty and rank. For lore and education, Len Iode has enriched his knowledge awesomely, in Essential 1-6, Combat Tactics I and Capital Starship Studies with full mark, and further in Astronomy Studies, Leadership Reports and Leadership Management with such very satisfying results. He has been awarded two Crescents with Amethyst Star as becoming the first winner of the event Odan-Urr’s Comedy Series – Gresee Pazaak Facts and [Life Day Games] Week 2 PVP Score. Len continuously sharpens his skill of combat in GRMG events, adding 28 Clusters of Fire, to his now total 88 Cluster of Fire and 54 Cluster of Earth or total 230 Cluster of Earth in conversion, granting him an elevation to rank IV in GMRG society. He added three more events participation in this term (Star Conflict PvP/PvE, Gorefest December 2015 and [Life Day Games] Week 2 PVP Score to his total 19 competition participations. Len has also constructed his biographical history in a qualified wiki and engraving a 1500 words remarkable character story, as has been recognized by his mentor.

I am convinced Len Iode will be flourishing in any effort he attempts to give his best. I believe he is now ready to manage the duty of Captain

Sincere Regards, Ranger Lu’aisha Gresee

Lu'aisha Gresee, 2015-12-29 04:18:39 UTC

While there is nothing left of his achievements to mention, Len is a member of the Brotherhood's next generation of members and future leaders—a trend which breathes new life into the club. Congratulations!

Seer A'lora Kituri, 2015-12-29 05:29:25 UTC