Event Details

Event ID
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Jac Cotelin
Primary reason

During the process of revising the Covenant, the fifth revised draft was sent to approximately one dozen people to provide feedback prior to submission of the document to the Dark Council. Tim provided the best feedback from all of the members, his review spanning a five page document and covering many fundamental topics. The review that he provided was both deep/thorough and substantive to core issues in the Covenant. He identified weaknesses in the document and areas where the intent of the drafters had been lost in superfluous or legalistic language. More important, he challenged many of the doctrines that have been enshrined in the Covenant for years, which resulted in some drastic change.

Prior to the above, and adding to the need for an award, when I called for applications for Left Hand of Justice, I sought to have each applicant provide thoughts on the current Covenant. Even in just an application, Tim provided the same type of thorough analysis that was needed in my review process and resulted in nearly a dozen changes to the document. One of the most major contributions by Tim was convincing me that a mediation process between two unites or members should be mandatory in CoJ cases. That provision will go a long way to helping the judicial process.

Tim and I don't always agree on things, but I appreciate his forward thinking and willingness to challenge the norm. Although I have twice passed him up for the role of LHoJ, I truly appreciate the contributions he has made to the cause and his candid approach.

Many thanks, Tim.

Jac Cotelin, 2015-12-31 12:40:56 UTC