Event Details

Event ID
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Source Unit
Order of the Trident
Destination Unit
Primary reason

House AJunta Pall.

Been talking to an old Plagueis friend who requested I come back across. Love Tarentum and so glad they are allies but I have history in Plagueis and it was one of th places I could truly call home.

My short time in Tarentum has been wonderful with amazing people so I am glad they are icly allies and I know friends are created across clans and beyond. So I ask not to be disliked for my choice. Everyone is so lovely and I am so honoured for th ehelp I got when trying to refind my feet after a year and a half rogues.

Loves to all.

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow, 2016-01-02 12:19:12 UTC