Event Details

Event ID
Rowan Dragos
Old Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Champion Rajhin Cindertail
Primary reason

There are many paths to Knighthood, some are taken as sprints and others as marathons. All involve the determination to never give up on a goal. Gui Sol’s journey to Knighthood spans over a decade and this achievement is no less momentous for it. In fact, it is more so. Gui is someone who caught my eye immediately upon my return to Odan-Urr this past summer. He is near omnipresent on the clan Telegram and mailing list with his contagious enthusiasm and upbeat spirit. He has become the de facto mascot of sorts for the Knights of Allusis battleteam.

Just since his last promotion he has received a Dark Cross for service, a Crescent with Emerald Star, eleven Clusters of Fire and one Cluster of Ice. He has also shown a commitment to expanding his knowledge in that same period by completing six Shadow Academy courses and the Dark Maven in Philosophy earning him rank IV in the Shadow Academy society.

Behind every dossier, behind every promotion there is a story. Gui has made himself a central fixture in the Odan-Urr community and shown the determination to finish what he starts. He makes me proud to be a KoA alum.

Enjoy your Knight’s saber Gui, you’ve more than earned it

  • Proconsul, Clan Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2016-01-03 04:38:16 UTC
Additional reasons

Since becoming Aedile of House Hoth Gui Sol has been a fixture in the Clan Telegram channels while also becoming more and more active by participating in the Clan's Life day events and dabbling in the ACC Arena as well. He does embody the new revitalized spirit of Clan Odan-Urr

I'm very excited to see Gui grow into valued member of House Hoth and the Clan itself!

Congratulations Knight Gui Sol

Edgar Drachen, 2016-01-03 02:15:20 UTC

Gui Sol is a member that makes me smile consistently. To know him is to know a member that is thirsty for interaction and activity, getting moments where he playfully demands those around him to help him earn Clusters. These moments inspire others, and it is these moments that Gui so often has. Whether he realizes it or not, he is one of the members of Odan-Urr that stands above the rest.

To know his master, you would know that Gui has not had an easy time. Zoso expects a lot and has a high standard, and I know for a fact Gui more than likely breezed through them with no problem. He has always remained optimistic and friendly with the members, always having an anecdote to share in between earning Clusters of Fire playing Pazaak or getting his Cluster of Ice.

Congratulations, Gui. I'm very pleased to be able to help recommend you for Knighthood.

Sala Fe, 2016-01-03 02:53:49 UTC