Event Details

Event ID
Manji Keibatsu Sadow
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Primary reason

Following recommendation from the meeting of the Inner Circle for the Conclave of the month of July 2005 we would like to request the presentation of the Sapphire Blade to Krath Archpriest Manji Nekura Keibatsu.

This recommendation comes in light of many things, not least Manji’s service as Quaestor, and earlier Aedile, of House Marka Ragnos. His services have not only caught the eye of members within the Clan but also outside. His work as an Operator for the Antei Combat Center is easily recognisable by most.

His services have not gone unnoticed by the Obelisk High Commander who also adds the following recommendation:

When I left CNS for the Dark Council, I knew CNS would do well with the new leadership. And he proved me right. Under his leadership, the house became one of the most active in the DB. New active battleteams have formed, and many good things have come from the house. For all his work, I think he deserves this reward. Congrats Manji. - OE Korras (Obelisk)/OHC/Dark Council - Former Proconsul of the Clan

Manji currently runs one of the most successful Houses in the Dark Brotherhood, one which continues to grow, fosters new members with ease, and is seeing many of the rising stars emerge from its folds. Nearly all the big names of Clan Naga Sadow who continue to have their names in lights are members of the House that Manji runs tremendously. This is especially noticeable given the extended period of absence of his Aedile, leaving him to have had to lead his House almost independently since being appointed Quaestor.

His work since I came to the position of Consul have been impossible to ignore and it is for that that I, with the support of the Inner Circle, request he be presented with an award of that calibre to signify this fact. We therefore wish to present Manji with the Sapphire Blade.

, 2005-06-28 22:00:00 UTC