Event Details

Event ID
Mako Henymory
Old Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
New Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
Requested by
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Primary reason

I’ve been called on to write many recommendations in my time as a leader in the Brotherhood, this is by far the easiest to write. Mako is a model member and an upstanding leader. Period. No puffery or fluff needed, these are simply facts as the assembled recommendations here will attest. We have served together in two clans, through war and peace, on summit and off, through triumph and setback alike and there is no one else I can think of that I would rather have on my team than Mako. His elevation to the upper Equite ranks is, for me, a foregone conclusion.

Whether in or out of a formal position, Mako leads from the front, setting a sterling example for all to follow. In the roughly eleven months since his last promotion Mako has received an impressive array of service awards including, a Grand Cross, a Steel Cross and an Anteian Cross. In that same period he participated in an astounding one hundred and three competitions. For individual awards he has accumulated a trove of seventeen Crescents, eight Pendants of Blood, 2100 Clusters of Fire, forty Clusters of Ice, and 578 Clusters of Earth. Those numbers are impressive in and of themselves but when you factor in all the other front line leadership Mako does that doesn’t show up on a dossier like proofing fictions, mentoring younger members, hyping unit activities and volunteering to assist with projects it becomes even more astounding. I do not exaggerate in the least when I say we could all stand to be more like Mako.

He also makes his mark in formalized positions as well. Since his last promotion he has created twenty competitions for his fellow members to enjoy. While others will attest to his work in Arcona and on Fist staff I can testify that he has already done more in a span of days in Odan-Urr than many leaders do in months. I’ve watched him rally his house, mentor his summit and forge a path ahead for House Satele Shan. He has already published a quality fiction update of 5115 words to chart a bold new direction for his unit. For Odan-Urr Mako has been the spark that ignited 1000 fires as the membership, myself included, burn brighter to follow his example.

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve together and call him my friend. It is an even higher honor to get to sign as lead recommender to this promotion. Thank you for everything you do and I have no doubt I’ll be signing recs for your elder promotion one day.

Turel Sorenn

Proconsul, Clan Odan-Urr

Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2016-01-18 04:35:20 UTC
Additional reasons

When Mako returned to the House level and re-joined the Battleteam Nighthawk I had the distinct pleasure of serving with him directly within the same Battleteam. The two of us designed multiple concepts for the Battleteam, reviewed material together and he even assisted me during my first attempt at organizing a run-on. He’s been a friend and mentor to a lot of us, at the same time he has always been willing to listen to feedback as well. The very thing that makes Mako such a success as a leader made him invaluable to us as a member as well.

His willingness to work with others, to build ideas, to encourage participation through gaming, fiction, run-ons anything and everything possible. I would hazard to say there have been very -very- few items that have crossed the Galeres desk that Mako hasn’t had eyes on at some point, as a close friend to our former Quaestor Arcia, a gaming partner for Turel when he served as Quaestor of Galeres, to myself as his Aedile and a mentee for the current Quaestor Braecen, Mako has always placed himself in a position to be available for his leaders in any capacity they needed him to fulfill.

For everything you did in your service to Arcona, to Galeres and each and every one of us you’ve had an influence on. We appreciate you, even now as you continue to help another Clan grow Mako.

Congratulations on your promotion The Talons will await your return.

Uji Tameike

Aedile of Galeres

Fist Uji Tameike, 2016-01-18 04:23:17 UTC

Mako is one of those members that truly makes me proud, not for all that he accomplishes in his home — we don’t care that they had you first :P — but for what he goes on to do with those skills and that attitude in the larger world. To see him go on to lead a House in Odan-Urr after showing such dedication and earnest contribution in Arcona makes me glad. He was one of our most active and steadfast members, seeking various leadership positions, always competing and daring in small projects, taking part as one of the first candidates in our Post-DJK Mentorship program and demonstrating great initiative in learning to better himself and give back to the Clan around him — and now he carries all that with him in Satale Shan. Mako is an incredible member and brother to all in this club, and the effort and selflessness he shows are the marks of a true Equite III.

Congratulations, my friend, and thank you for all you’ve done.

Atyiru Caesura Entar

Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2016-01-18 04:24:06 UTC

Mako has worked tirelessly since arriving on the Fist Staff a few months ago. In that time in addition to his daily duties of reviewing Cluster Requests and running monthly competitions he has begun a project which will potentially bring a new style of game to the DB, the MOBA (or Massive Online Battle Arena to the uninitiated). Expanding the different types of games available to members is one of the areas I have always felt the Fist Staff should strive for. With individuals like Mako assisting in orchestrating the future of Gaming with the DB I know our gamers have a bright future.

Congratulations on your promotion to Equite 3 Mako!


Fist of the Brotherhood

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2016-01-18 04:25:16 UTC

Mako is one of the few who creates the benchmarks other members are evaluated against. He proves his worth, earns all recognition, and clamors towards the future. I first met Mako when he was called Sight in Clan Arcona. I had limited interaction with him until we started gaming together. Even still, I had knew his reputation by seeing him consistently on the GMRG leaderboard, mailer replies, and his reports. Since then he’s become a voice of reason that I can confide in about all matters in private. He’s always available to provide feedback and isn’t just a yes man who agrees with what you say. He’s helped brainstorm beside me for several larger events that will be introduced in 2016 and reviewed my unreleased matchmaking proposal. He’s been collecting data, running polls, and consistently pushing towards getting a MOBA approved as a gaming platform, since there isn’t one currently supported.

He has been more active through his administrative actions than one could have hoped. He has approved 123 PvP activities and 776 PvO/PvE activities. To put that in perspective if measured from his hiring on 10/21/2015 he has been the top PvO/PvE activity approver and second only to me at approving PvP activities. He’s ran 3 Monthly Mobile Gaming competitions and 2 regular Monthly Gaming competitions as the sole organizer for the Fist Staff on those. He’s been extremely active in the Gamers Lounge and Battlefront channels on Telegram. He makes sure to post helpful reminders about news, updates, or competitions being ran and sees to answering any question posed to the Fist Staff.

I’ve known for a while that Mako was ready to rise to Equite 3 and all that was left was a matter of time. I’m honored to help this invaluable member achieve something he’s worked so hard for. Congratulations!

Ernordeth Puer-Irae

Praetor to the Fist

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2016-01-18 04:29:20 UTC

There are members, there are friends, and there are brothers. Mako Henymory is all three to me. And he has served his fellow members well - with distinction - since his last elevation. I am honored today to stand at this side and proclaim why he should be inducted into the ranks of the Equite III.

I watched as Mako cautiously emerged from hibernation. He had served as Clan Arcona’s Roll Master with zeal and temperance, but our community is - more often than not- about ‘what have you done for me lately’. He enrolled in Arcona’s Post-DJK Program’s first class and accepted the feedback and direction as if it were a series of commandments. His activity spiked dramatically from passing interest to hardcore Brotherhood Leader. It was infectious, exciting, and amazing to watch as he transformed. Others will speak about his activity, but I will speak about what he did for House Galeres. He was a contributor with our ACE Pilot Program document that resulted in 8 pages of proposal. With his brother-in-arms, Zakath, he hosted An Arconan Holiday (8 Competition Event) at the end of the year to generate activity and keep us from spiraling off into nothingness. He has been instrumental in our GMRG push; carving up the ranks to earn Top 9 Honors and encouraging others (Kordath, Celahir, Zakath, Stang, Mac) to make Rank X and be eligible in the past several months. He served as an advisor and mentor to a new Battle Team Leader (Rulvak ‘Warp’ Qurroc) in Nighthawk; helping create competitions, grade competitions, write (and edit) reports, keep members engaged, and complete a run-on that pitted the team against the evil forces of Perdition. He also served as a confidant, a shoulder to lean on, and a cheerleader for his House. Galeres has transformed over the past six months. And it could not have been done without the work Mako does.

Leadership is action, not position. And without a title, he has consumed content ravenously, produced content unselfishly, mentored with patience, and directed others with care towards a common goal. I’m so proud of you, Mako. If rank was given on character alone, you would be an Elder. For today, we will settle for this promotion and know another awaits you in the not too distant future.

Braecen Kaeth

Quaestor of Galeres

Braecen Kaeth, 2016-01-18 04:30:46 UTC