Event Details

Event ID
Rathus Marr
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Rathus, or Isthon in Diablo III, has been hugely helpful to the Diablo III community since the launch of the current Season last Friday the 15th. Not only did Rathus actually hit 70 prior to anyone else in the entire club this new season, but he did so in incredible time, in under 24 hours.

This didn't stop him from immediately wading back into lower tier content and grabbing fellow members and dragging them along to maximum level; I say dragging us along because Rathus is the very definition of a "carry" in Diablo III, where he mercilessly slaughters demons so that his compatriot Brotherhood members can earn experience and items far beyond what they would normally be able to alone.

All told, Rathus has helped so many people hit maximum level or gear up in stuff beyond our abilities that I can no longer remember all the names - myself, Montressor, Pravus, Terran Koul, Xena, Strask, Kalen, and Darkblade have all, in some way or another, been dragged through a torment we would be unable to complete alone, earning massive rewards in doing so. Sometimes, Rathus power levels. Other times, he merely demolishes the content needed for a member to complete a Seasonal Journey quest. Still other times he is sharing his loot with other Barbarians, so they too can gear up faster. He has spent more than half a dozen hours leveling fellow Clan mates in Torment 6 (which is well below the level he is capable of, but the only level that one can be powerleveled on), while also spending countless more with undergeared individuals driving his way through Torment X to help them gear.

This Season has seen an unprecedented increase in the Paragon levels and gear of Brotherhood members, allowing us to tackle new challenges and reach new heights. Without Rathus, many Brotherhood members wouldn't be nearly as equipped as they are now to defend Sanctuary from hordes of demons. So, to Rathus, thank you for your help!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2016-01-23 16:18:12 UTC