Event Details

Event ID
Rian Taldrya
Old Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
New Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

Rian Taldrya. There’s not much I can say about this guy that I haven’t probably already said a dozen times over in the various recommendations for awards that I submitted when I was his second in command. Even still, knowing that I’ve said it all doesn’t make me want to stop saying it. Rian Taldrya is a great member of the Brotherhood. He’s a stalwart friend who took the reins to try to hold together a demoralized Clan. He’s a leader who stood at helm and overseen a clan resurrected. He’s a member who always does his absolute best to make sure he is part of making this club a better place for everyone involved.

He’s basically everything that I think members in the Brotherhood should be. Now, Howie is going to go over some of the stats that Rian has under his belt since his last promotion, so I won’t be going into complete detail with all of those, but something I would like to touch on is Rian’s participation ratios. As of writing this recommendation, Rian has not been promoted for 749 days. In that period, Rian has participated in 113 competitions. 113 competitions alone seems like a lot, but when you factor in the realization that it means Rian participates in a new competition roughly every 6.62 days, you start to get a sense of what I’m playing at. Competitions, to my mind, are the core of what it means to be an active member in the DB. They’re the chances we take to both create, and participate in others creations. They’re the single thing that make this club different than so many other internet clubs; and Rian participates in a new competition nearly every week.

Since his last promotion, Rian led Taldryan for over a year. He’s been extremely active in competition participation. He’s mentored someone to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, even after that person left the Clan to try something new. Rian’s a special member of the Brotherhood, and he’ll long be remembered as the man who helped Taldryan back from the abyss. He is more than deserving of this promotion to the highest levels of the Equite class.

Rian, it is my very great honour to promote you to the rank of Augur.. whatever the hell that is. Congrats bud.

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,

Consul of Clan Taldryan

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2016-01-31 22:46:47 UTC
Additional reasons

Rian has been a dedicated and stalwart member of Taldryan for the past two years, with a sizeable chunk of that time as Taldryan’s first post-declanning Consul (and our last Quaestor following the declanning). He served his clan as its leader, and continued to do so following his retirement in the form of competition participation, placement and running – as well as gaming and fictional activity. In short? Rian has continued to be an active member of our clan and of the Brotherhood, and it is high time that he is recognized for it. Since his last promotion, Rian has participated in 113 competitions, and placed in 32 of them – that’s nearly 1 placement for every 3 competitions participated in. I don’t know about you? But I’m impressed with that record. Additionally, Rian has continued to be a creative force for competitions having organized or co-organized 25 competitions, including Holiday Bashes in 2015, competitions during our Gathering Darkness event, and the commissioning competitions for the Taldryan Expansionary Force!

In addition, Rian earned a Sapphire Blade from the retiring Grand Master for his service as Consul, which included (amongst many other activities), leadership of our clan during the most recent Great Jedi War, posting a dozen Quaestor and Consul reports, and the creation of the above competitions. Rian has also continued to be an active gamer and fiction(er) (is that a word?) – having earned himself 2 Pendants of Blood for his TOR activity, nearly 100 gaming clusters, and 48 Clusters of Ice for fiction writing. Rian was also awarded a Dark Cross by (at the time) Voice Pravus for leading Taldryan into having the best ACC qualification. Finally, Rian recently earned a Scroll of the Master for aiding Rex Silverthorn (aka Draco Sangria) in his trials towards Knighthood.

For his service to Clan Taldryan as Consul, for his unending activity in creating and participating in competitions, and for his overall Rianlike behaviour, it is my pleasure to recommend Rian Taldrya for promotion to the rank of Augur. Congratulations Rian!

Prophet Howlader Taldrya Proconsul

Howlader Taldrya, 2016-01-30 17:18:26 UTC