Event Details

Event ID
Padawan Tisto Kingang
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Peacekeeper (Equite 1)
Requested by
Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Knight Tistito Kingang or “The Swoop Savant” as he is known by his battle team members was last promoted about 9 months ago and since then he has been in Clan Odan-Urr for the last 8 months and has been the BTL of the Knights of Allusis for the last 2 months. During this time he has amassed some impressive numbers: He has organized 7 competitions and participated in 38 competitions as well. He has been awarded 1 Anteian Cross, Crescents with Ruby Star (1), Amethyst Star (1), Sapphire Star (1), Emerald Star (4), Topaz Star (2), Quartz Star (1), 10 CF’s and 39 CI’s. His activity consists of passing 7 SA Courses, 2 PvP Matches, 12 ACC Battles, 8 Fiction Activities with 10,240 words of fiction and 4 RO Posts with 2,262 words.

Of course these are only numbers are meaningless without knowing Tisto as a person and as a leader. We both were hired for our respective positions about the same time and since that point we have instantly connected. We are in constant contact sharing ideas and plans for not only the future of Tisto himself but more for the future of KoA, the house and the Clan as a whole.

He is an energetic and charismatic leader that is so infectious that he instantly created a BT Run-On and has gotten almost unanimous support and participation from his entire Battle team. This RO is being used to redefine KoA into the new House fiction which he and I are currently preparing for release in March.

All in all “The Swoop Savan” is a excellent leader and has a lot of awesome ideas. He is constantly sharing his ideas or asking for advice on how to be a better leader. He is someone I enjoy working with and I’m excited to see how far we can take House Hoth as a team!

Congratulations and welcome to the Equite ranks!

Edgar Drachen Aedile, House Hoth

Edgar Drachen, 2016-02-07 06:56:16 UTC
Additional reasons

To say Tistito had big shoes to fill as Knight-Commander of the Knights of Allusis battleteam would not be an understatement in the least. Quaestors, Proconsuls and even a Dark Councilor stand among those who have held that particular honor. Perhaps I show my bias as a former Knight-Commander myself but the team is very near and dear to my heart. Tistito has proven himself more than worthy of the name by making his own mark on the Knights. He has already leveraged the wealth of experience at his disposal to help him drive the team forward.

As a member of the Odan-Urr summit he is exceptionally driven, willing to learn from those who came before but also willing to take risks and test new ideas, of which he has no shortage. He leads from the front, encouraging and driving his team across all channels, pumping them up and setting a prime example.

In short, he is a leader and one for whom the future is wide open should he continue down his current path of excellence. His enthusiasm is contagious and often he motivates me to be a better leader. His elevation to the Equite ranks is well-deserved. Congratulations Tisto, I look forward to seeing where you go from here.

Turel Sorenn Proconsul, Clan Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2016-02-07 06:41:55 UTC

Tistito "Tisto" Kingang has been an exemplary member of our Clan since he joined, and he has an impressive record that still continues to make me proud.

Since his last promotion in May 2015, he has put in some serious work. He has earnt 14 Clusters of Fire, and Crescents with 4 Emerald, 2 Topaz and 1 each of Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire and Quartz Stars. More impressively, he has completed a dozen ACC battles, and earnt himself 39 Clusters of Ice.

As the Battleteam Leader of the Knights of Allusis, he has organized seven competitions, along with three more since his last promotion. His most notable achievement as BTL so far is the runon of the Battle for Tanduran, which I personally have quite enjoyed reading. It has drawn the attention and efforts from the majority of his team, and makes for a good read. He has also submitted future plans for not only the Knights of Allusis, but also the entire House, and we are working together to help turn these into exceptional stories. The passion and zeal he is bringing to his position are fantastic, and it clearly shows in his conversations on Telegram, which he speaks on almost daily.

His most impressive achievement as a Knight, however, is his participation in 39 competitions - a number that further proves his value to our Clan. He is constantly active in supporting our plans for the future, our battleteam and our House, and I am proud to welcome him to the Equite ranks. Congratulations, Tisto, I look forward to continuing to work with you!

~Nathan Deciarus, Quaestor of Hoth

Mandalorian Darcy Avarik, 2016-02-07 06:42:35 UTC