DarkHawk has made solid gains since returning to activity in the Brotherhood. After a span of 13 years, he came back to Naga Sadow and has made a place for himself within it. He’s another one of our crazy RL veterans who isn’t afraid to talk big and smoke cigars. I’m also jealous of his beard. That aside, let’s focus on his achievements since returning.
DH has torn up the gaming scene, earning 363 Clusters of Fire and 28 Clusters of Earth in the last two months. Added to that, he’s earned a further 5 Clusters of Ice.
When he returned, DH joined Shadow’s Bane and quickly found himself in the XO seat as Battleteam Sergeant, where Aexod has been teaching him how to format reports. DH completed and posted the last report for his Battleteam Team.
DarkHawk has also jumped into the Shadow Academy with gusto, completing 23 Shadow Academy Exams and earning Dark Pundit Essentials, Dark Pundit Vendetta, Dark Maven Combat and Dark Maven Lore.
For his work these past two months, I’m pleased to give DarkHawk his first merit medal in 13 years. Congrats on your Anteian Cross, bud. On this special day, will you be my Valentines?
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2016-02-14 14:30:29 UTC