Event Details

Event ID
Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Marcus Kiriyu
Primary reason

In the 24 days since her last promotion, Lilith has continued to work diligently to compete her promotion requirements. Beyond merely the time in rank required of her, Lilith has continued to communicate through email and the Clan channels, while completing her studies. She has participated in 10 competitions, placing in 1, while completing 2 Leadership Studies exams. In addition to those exams, she has reached Society Rank 4 for the Shadow Academy while completing a more than 2000 word fiction for her character's back story.

With these accomplishments in mind, I am honored to recommend Lilith for promotion to Hunter.

Master of Lilith Stormwind

Marcus Kiriyu, 2016-03-01 12:39:28 UTC