Event Details

Event ID
Aylin Sajark
Anteian Cross
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

Zehsaa performs work of exceptional quality, and places highly in everything she participates in. She has won three ruby crescents in the past month alone, regularly placing in competitions at the brotherhood level. Her art quality is becoming renowned across the brotherhood, and has featured on the front page of the db website in Vyr's Herald Report, a level of exposure very few artists in the brotherhood achieve and is indicative of her status as one of the club's most prolific producers of high quality artwork. Further to her own work, Zehsaa is constantly active in the DB art club telegram page, providing feedback and encouragement to other artists which should not go unappreciated and unrewarded.

Zehsaa's contribution not only to clan life, but also to the brotherhood's art community as a whole, is remarkable considering her time in the club.

General Zentru'la, 2016-03-04 00:21:46 UTC
Additional reasons

Zehsaa is a wildfire. She has spread herself throughout DB's art community and ignites everyone with inspiration as she passes. She has been offering her art to people who need character pictures (including myself! Look at my wiki.), giving pointers and advice on other peoples' art, encouraging people to enter art competitions, and making a name out of herself. We all know her as our Golden Girl with a magical pencil.

Alara Deathbane, 2016-03-02 16:12:22 UTC

Zehsaa has truly come out as a shining star with her artistic work, optomistic participation, and amazing personality. Her artwork for members and for comps have been outstanding! Also, Battle Team TA wouldn't be what it is now were it not for her winning entry that gave the team its name. Even when I'm not on Telegram very often, I can see her taking part in clan conversation everyday. She's proven to be a very determined and dedicated member of Scholar Palatinae and House Excidium. She truly is more than deserving of this award. I look forward to more of her art and great ideas, as well as to her growth within Clan, House, and Battle Team.

Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, 2016-03-02 17:04:49 UTC

The DB Art Club channel on Telegram has 69 members. Among those 69 Zehsaa is one of the most active ones. So far she has drawn seven fully drawn illustrations that she has showcased in the channel. Two of these were private requests from two members of Scholae that she did for free. The rest were either competition entries she placed in, or private artworks for practice. She is very active as an instructor as well, giving out advice to whomever asks for it and sharing her knowledge with everyone in the channel. She has so far participated in both Sketch something competitions the Herald's Staff has organized, showing her full support for our efforts to make art and drawing more present in the Club. For her efforts thus far, I would like to recommend Zehsaa for this award. Congratulations.

  • Vyr (Morgan B. Sorenn), Herald of the Brotherhood

Boss Morgan B. Sorenn, 2016-03-03 16:39:49 UTC

Zehsaa has placed in no less than seven competitions in the space of one month. Seven. And yet on top of an exceptional competitive presence, she cultivates a positive, well-appreciated presence within CSP, always willing to engage and chip in fruitful discussion. She freely gives of her artistic talent, offering drawn character pictures to some of her clanmates, including Aed Blade and Jorm. She is an exceptional artist, the likes of which few exist within the DJB. She is willing to impart her artistic knowledge to her clanmates and does so on a regular basis. This is a gift to be nurtured, praised and rewarded.

As if that weren’t enough, she is one of THE most active members in the DB Art Club. Again there, she frequently shares her art, her knowledge and wisdom. She shares educatives discoveries she makes such as reference drawings, something everyone within the channel benefits from.

Zehsaa is a one of a kind member. Let her be rewarded accordingly.

, 2016-03-03 23:23:17 UTC