Event Details

Event ID
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Delak is a dedicated and driven member, with an inferno of passion for this club. As BTL he spearheaded a joint BT event with the Grey Wolves of Tarentum. As a member, he participates in everything he can get his hands on. He has organized 9 competitions, participated in 33, had 19 PVP activities, 16 PVE, an ACC battle, and written 1740 words of fiction. He has earned 2 Ruby Stars, 2 Sapphire Stars, 2 Emerald Stars, 175 Clusters of Fire, 5 Clusters of Ice, and 2 Clusters of Earth.

Delak is a killer BTL, and active member. For his continued efforts I recommend he be awarded this Steel Cross

Lord Idris Adenn, 2016-04-02 01:22:22 UTC
Additional reasons

Delak defines leading from the front. He is constantly active within CSP competitions and within the Brotherhood as a whole in addition to performing his duties as BTL. He has put in much work into establishing the Battleteam's lore on the wiki page, and has worked hard on developing his art skills through DB Art Club. His entry rate to clan and club competitions is second to none, shown by his recent placing in the House Feud. More importantly, he has been creating opportunities for others in the clan by the collaborative event set up with the Grey Wolf battleteam of Tarentum

Delak is a great member to have leading in the clan, congratulations on your award!

General Zentru'la, 2016-04-01 10:26:42 UTC

Delak Krennel, the man, the myth, the legend. Demonstrates each day why he is such a great leader for his team to follow. He has build Shadow Guard to become a pillar of high activity by rotating new members in, redesigning the history of his team and by leading by example through his own participation. Most recently, he displayed interest in holding an inter-BT competition, but this was before Shadow made her BT. So he used his own initiative and began the Grey Wolf Alliance with assistance from their BTL, Caesar. He hosted 9 competitions for it and displayed an unbiased judging quota. He also participated in the house feud Subterfuge and worked hard to gain victory, coming second place overall.

Congratulations Delak, drinks are on you!

Quaestor of House Imperium

Qor Kith, 2016-04-01 12:16:28 UTC

Delak has done an excellent job of leading by example, especially when it comes to competitions and gaming. I have only been his Aedile for around a month, but his high levels of activity in all arenas of combat have served as a shining example of an active clansmen. This was particularly apparent in Delak’s overall second place finish in the House Feud Subterfuge, helping to ensure Imperium’s dominance in the podiums through skill and participation. In addition, he was instrumental in setting up the BT event with Tarentum and in the process he showed a lot of dedication to his battle team and the House Imperium as well. This dedication to the house and his stellar activity has earned him a Steel Cross.


Aedile of Imperium

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2016-04-01 22:08:49 UTC

I’ve known Delak for about six months now. You know what I’ve learned about the guy? He just doesn’t quit. Throw any kind of hurdles in his path, he’ll just step right over it and soldier on. And in doing so, he constantly evolves both in skill and knowledge. This is something we could all learn from. Then you take into account his stellar track record, his participation level, and the outstanding work he has done developing his Battleteam, it’s no longer a question of “does Delak deserve a Steel Cross?” The question becomes, “Why haven’t we done so already?!”

Congratulations Delak! CSP is lucky to have you!

, 2016-04-02 01:08:03 UTC