Ophelia Delacroix,
Now that is a name that when I hear it, a smile comes to my face. Since first joining House Marka Ragnos as a member, Ophelia has been an active participant and has been a very valuable asset to the Clan. When I became a Quaestor for the House, I saw great potential for Ophelia and took him as my Aedile. Since becoming Aedile, he has been a wonderful partner in planning and coordinating events within our House.
One of the major plans was to create a small competition where our members could relax and participate without feeling pressured. I didn’t have to ask twice before Ophelia had already come up with several ideas along with adding in the feedback I had gathered from my members. All I had to do was just enter the information and soon we had the Rest and Relaxation House Marka Ragnos Style up and running.
Even before he became an Aedile, he was always eager to help get things done. Before Sanguinius had left to become proconsul, he had asked Ophelia if he could write up some wiki articles for the background to some NPC characters for our Retribution ship. He came up with ten NPC characters and had written over 16,000 words of fiction. That impressed me very highly.
Along with writing, He has already written 7,214 words of fiction
He is a team team player who works alongside others. In the Clan event: Firestorm, He participated in every single one of the activities. During The World is Not Enough Run on for Firestorm, he was one of the main team players that helped his other teammates to continue to write.
Because of his willingness to help get things done, participate and come up with ideas, he has earned a Steel Cross, Two Anteian Crosses, three Crescents with Amethyst Star, Five Crescents with Sapphire Star, Five Crescents with Emerald Star, tow Crescents with Topaz Star, eight Pendants of Blood, Thirty-Five Clusters of Fire, Twenty-Nine Clusters of Ice, and a whopping one hundred and ninety five clusters of earth!
In addition to this, he has also earned a scroll of the Master and two legions of the Scholar. His studies in the Shadow Academy also include twenty SA academy courses completed and seven degrees gained.
He has also organized and completed ten competitions on his own, co-organized three competitions, and participated in a total of sixty one competitions overall.
Some of his positions have also been Battleteam Sergeant for four months, Battleteam Leader for six months, and an Aedile for about a month now.
As for the non-quantifiable things he has done, I have found him to be an active presence on telegram that always has information about games from time to time or just can help bring a smile to your face. He is a delightful member that I can rely on to get things done in a pinch, as well as trust that he will help to make our Clan and House a fun place to be in.
For your dedication, hard work, and willingness to work alongside House Marka Ragnos and Clan Naga Sadow, I am pleased to promote and welcome Ophelia Delacroix to Raider. Congratulations on this well deserved promotion!
Quaestor of Marka Ragnos
Tasha'Vel Versea, 2016-04-13 16:01:06 UTC