Event Details

Event ID
Dazta Delel
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Since Dazta’s last Promotion, she has earned the following: 20 Clusters of Fire 2 Crescents with Sapphire 1 Crescent with Emerald

Has participated in 17 competitions, many of which were DJB Wide and has placed in a few. Below is her record of participation and placements where such information was available.

She has achieved 2 first place wins, 1 third place, 2 fifth place and 1 seventh place placement in past competitions.

She is one of the most active members I have ever known, since being a leading member of the Grey Wolf Battle Team.

She is always on Telegram participating in many conversations. I have spoken to her on a number of occasions and she becomes across as a nice person. What can I say about this member? Other then that she is outstanding.

This why I like to recommend this member for a Dark Cross.

Caesar Battle Team leader Grey Wolf Battle Team

It has been 4 month’s since Dazta’s last merit award. In that time i feel she has put forth great effort and attitude towards the Grey Wolf Battle team, by being constantly active in regards to competitions as well as being a consistent presence within the team’s communications channels. She has certainly displayed above average effort and presence.

Thus, in this regard, I feel this award is overdue for an outstanding member of the Battle Team.

Altheseus Levathan (4954) Tarentum, BTS, Grey Wolf

Constantine, 2016-04-12 19:27:33 UTC