Event Details

Event ID
Altheseus Levathan
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Since Lev’s last merit medal he has been a hive of activity, participating in seven competitions and placing in four - earning Crescents with Amethyst, Sapphire, Emerald, and Quartz Stars in the process. He has also organized nine competitions and earned 21 Clusters of Fire for 2 PvP matches. As our Battle Team Sergeant, he's also posted three reports and been very active on our Telegram Group putting in good ideas for the Team (such as two monthly competitions he'll be running from April until November). He has helped in the creation of the Grey Wolf Battle Team’s Admin Plan as well as in our efforts to a Social community, drawing us closer together as a Team. The proof in the pudding: we are getting there.

I am a proud Battle Team Leader and I fully recommend this award. Well Done and Well Deserved."

Constantine, 2016-04-14 22:03:11 UTC