Event Details

Event ID
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Shadow Nighthunter is a driving force in House Excidium. She has started up the newly minted Battleteam for the House, the first of its kind! Shadow has built it from the ground up and has been doing a spectacular job as the leader, with a dynamite group of members behind her. Shadow has completed everything for the Battleteam from the motto to the start of its wiki page. She has competitions going to bring her members together and advance her team within Excidium.

She leads from the front showing what being a great leader is all about. Shadow has participated in 67 competitions as well as organized 4 competitions. her efforts have paid off with Shadow being awarded 18 crescents and a legion of the scholar! She is an avid writer in the club, contributing 3 run-on posts in clan events and 16 clusters of ice for her efforts. She is also an avid gamer, having been awarded 215 clusters of fire and 10 clusters of earth! Shadow has explained her passion for this club by bringing in new members to be award with a scroll of indoctrination as well as being an amazing mentor with a scroll of the master for bringing her student to knighthood!

Shadow is highly active in the Shadow Academy as well, completing an array of courses and earned various degrees. She has taken and passed 25 courses in the Shadow Academy. Those efforts paid off with Shadow earning six degrees with two being Savants!

There is so much more I could say about how great Shadow Nighthunter is but these are just a few examples to prove how much value she brings to the house. I look forward to continuing to work with Shadow with her team and the house into the future! This well deserved cross is a small token for what Shadow Nighthunter does. Congratulations!

Lucyeth, 2016-04-23 16:54:41 UTC
Additional reasons

Shadow Nighthunter is the pulsating blood that keeps our operations together. No matter what comes up in her life outside of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, she always aims high to keep our Battle Team, our House, and our Clan a huge priority. She looks upon her roles here with pride, and understands fully the responsibility that she carries. Such a rare determined soul is hard to find. She has such a big heart for her students, as well as her fellow Battleteam members, House members, and Clan members. She is always asking what more she can do for all of us. Congratulations, Shadow. Your hard work has paid off! So proud of you, Master.

Alara Deathbane, 2016-04-19 14:55:23 UTC

Shadow has made a great comeback to the DB and has proven to be a great member of our Clan and our House. The most experienced of the "Excidium golden girls" has gone beyond her peers to take a step forward and create Excidium's Battleteam Tacitus Athanasius (which, by the way, takes its name from a competition she organized).

Shadow is always helping Excidium as a leader by creating funny and meaningful competitions, and when she's not helping the clan she's doing a lot of stuff, being one of the most participative members of our House, if not the most. The amount of accomplishments that she has achieved in so little time speaks by itself, and I think that no one in our House deserves this award more than her.

Congratulations Shadow, it's a pleasure to help awarding such hard work and commitment for the club.

Rosh Nyine, 2016-04-22 21:00:20 UTC