Event Details

Event ID
Watchman Lontra Boglach
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

When I left Tarentum last summer it was to start working on myself again in this club. I chose Taldryan because it houses a number of great members, whom several of which I feel a sense of camaraderie with from multiple projects we've worked on or just general time spent in their clan channels. Yet the biggest reason I chose them was because I felt I couldn't return to COU after leaving for a Consul position in another clan. While I left to go help a unit that needed some serious work, at times I felt those back in COU wouldn't have understood the decision and therefore I couldn't return home. This sense has slowly demised over the months through conversations with its members. Combine that with the great yearning I've felt for COU from so many investments I've made in the clan, I think it is time for me to return to COU.

Thank you Taldryan for housing me during a different place in my DJB career, and I only wish I could have been more productive for you while I was a member.

In addition to my transfer request, I'd also like to request to be place in House Hoth, and Battleteam Knights of Allusis - if they should have me.


Watchman Lontra Boglach, 2016-04-22 16:51:51 UTC