Malice is one of the best of a new crop of members in Clan Plagueis, having hit the ground running from day one without ever looking back. I’ve rarely seen a member come into the club and make their presence felt as quickly and comprehensively as Malice has in just under three months. A constant presence in our Clan Telegram channel, Mal seems like one of the old timers with how well she fits in with all our members. She’s been an invaluable addition to our leadership staff over the last month and a half as well, having stepped up as Battleteam Leader of Disciples of Dreypa.
On the activity side, Mal has been a dynamo. When it comes to competitions, she’s entered twelve and placed in three. Continuing her assault on the Shadow Academy, she passed two of the exams from the Department of Leadership and completed a Shadow Academy maven degree (along with two more mavens and a savant on top of that!). Her activity in the Academy also advanced her to rank four in the Shadow Academy Society. As well as she has done with activity in general, it’s quite obvious that Malice’s true passion is fiction. In developing her character she has crafted in excess of 3,000 words of character fiction on top of an excellent character wiki article, though the the latter might have just been to save her master the Wiki Tribune from the taunting that would come from not having helped his apprentice on the Wiki. She has also earned a total of eleven Clusters of Ice for her fiction activities.
It is my firm belief that Malice is here to stay, and the leadership of Clan Plagueis is more than thankful that she is. She came into our merry band of insanity like a long lost friend we just hadn’t met yet, bringing more positive energy than you could shake a stick at. A self starter that’s always looking for something to do and people to help, I know she is ready to take her last step along the guided path of the neophyte and journeyman and forge her own direction on the road to the Equites. It is my great pleasure as both her Proconsul and Master to recommend Malice for advancement to the rank of Knight, a rank that is both the last step of one journey and the first step of the next, grander one. Congratulations, Malice! You’ve made us all proud.
Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2016-04-23 06:50:43 UTC