Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Primary reason

While the old Wookiee isn't around as much as we would like him to be, he does sport some good activity over Telegram, chatting away with his battle team and Clan. He has a few achievements under his belt since his last merit award back in November 2014. These include two Crescents, one with a Sapphire and the other with a Topaz Star, and participation in 11 competitions – one of which was for the recent Vendetta between Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Plagueis. He has earnt himself a tidy sum of Clusters of Fire (88) and a half dozen Clusters of Ice as well as a Gold Nova for his efforts in last year's Great Jedi War XI.

I feel his last award being in 2014 is a little long ago, and I wish to award him a Dark Cross for his efforts. Thank you Lambow, and I hope to see more of you through the year!

Mandalorian Darcy Avarik, 2016-04-27 12:41:34 UTC
Additional reasons

Lambow, or the Big Guy, as he is known to the Knights, has held up to his name. While his numbers haven’t been perfect, he has supported his team mates, giving advice, and working as a proofreader. He is an amazing person to work with, and has helped craft many ideas for the Team. His numbers do not even come close to saying what a great teammate he is.

Padawan Tisto Kingang, 2016-04-27 12:41:02 UTC