Event Details

Event ID
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Brimstone is, like the bureaucratic mentality, one of the few constants in the universe (As Dr. McCoy would say). For years he has always been there for his clan mates, and since his last recognition he’s continued to do just that. During our recent feud, he submitted entries to three of the available competitions to help contribute to the overall Clan Plagueis victory effort. All told he has submitted to twenty-four competitions since his last award five months ago, earning himself three crescents (two sapphire and one emerald) in the process. As a gamer he’s also pulled in one hundred and forty-two clusters of earth, eight clusters of fire, and two pendants of blood. He’s also been one of our most active members in the arena of Clan communication, always priming conversation on both telegram and email in order to help build our clan’s community. His continued presence along with contributions during Between Light and Dark show him to be deserving of this award.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2016-04-27 23:35:11 UTC
Additional reasons

Any time Brimstone is around, you know it. Whether you're new to the group or not, you are greeted warmly and quickly. Whether you are down to game, or looking for motivation to continue participating in events, Brim is a presence that can get you going.

Once again, Brim has met the mark, and once again he has made an excellent contribution to House Karness Muur and Plagueis at large. Great work.

, 2016-04-27 20:43:45 UTC

Among all the members that I've had the pleasure of working with in Plagueis, it's hard for me to identify someone as consistent as Brimstone. His activity level keeps tempo with the events around him, and his presence and energy have been a significant part of Plagueis's participation, camaraderie, and achievement. Another Steel Cross to his portfolio is well-earned and a welcome addition to his steadily increasing collection. Congratulations!

Seer Eiko, 2016-04-27 21:34:01 UTC