Sa manages to contribute to the Clan despite a heavy course load as he trains for a career with the FBI. Since his last recognition in January, Sa has participated in 13 competitions, including 3 during the Feud with Plagueis. Over the course of 16 PVP matches, Sa has earned himself 105 Clusters of Fire. During this period he was also a regular participant in the Clan’s Telegram channel. Although he is primarily a gamer, Sa has also crafted a very strong character for himself and Sa Ool the Kel-dor is well-know throughout the Clan. For all of these reasons, I’m pleased to recommend him for a Dark Cross and a big bear hug from Turel.
Alethia Archenksova
Aedile, Satele Shan
Moff Alethia Archenksova, 2016-05-01 18:35:21 UTC