Event Details

Event ID
Antar Locke
Dark Cross
Requested by
Mako Henymory
Primary reason

It was during the first weeks of the Feud with Plagueis that my former apprentice Antar Locke returned to us from the Rogues. He hit the ground running taking the Shadow Academy by force passing 6 Shadow Academy courses and earning himself his Dark Maven - Philosophy. His rust shaken off, Antar then turned toward the ongoing Feud. He competed in 4 Feud competitions which for a member fresh back from the Rogues is meritus in and of itself. Since his last recognition Antar has also participated in 12 total competitions, including the Feud comps, He has written for 3 fiction activities and has a total of 6741 words of fiction which has earned him 13 Clusters of Ice.

It is so often when we write these awards that we ask, what have you done for me lately, well Antar has done things lately as I detailed above, but he also has things he did before he went to the Rogues, also detailed above, this Dark Cross is to represent those things from the past as well as those he has done recently.

Antar, welcome back brother, I know you are capable of great things and wait eagerly to see what you shall do.

Mako Henymory

Quaestor, Satele Shan

Mako Henymory, 2016-05-02 02:20:41 UTC