- Event ID
- 145402
- Target
- Councillor Turel Sorenn
- Old Rank
(Equite 2)
- New Rank
(Equite 3)
- Requested by
- Seer A'lora Kituri
- Primary reason
Turel is one of those members that most know either through reputation as a valuable member or a critic of the Brotherhood flaws. Both of these are something that I hold in high regard, even when being lectured for my own performance. He’s blunt, and to the point on most issues and while this is refreshing opposed to those who teeter on the edge of a concern, it is something that I feel with further refinement, could hold the makings of a future Dark Councillor. He’s constructive at what he does, even going as far as detailing out solutions with each criticism—a trait that I value most when selecting new and old leaders. Moreover, he’s maintained a positive outlook on the clan’s progress; in our recent theme of moving forward, this optimism is essential in rebuilding ourselves from the foundations. Because of this, Odan-Urr has avoided a toxic atmosphere and instead develops past our mistakes without tossing around blame. Some could see it as being blind to our faults, but as I have mentioned, Turel is faithful in letting others know where the faults lie along with knowing how to solve the issues. Having a real-world occupation as a lawyer has given Turel better insight into the loopholes of the Dark Covenant, which he was awarded a Dark Side Scroll for reviewing and editing in an effort to build a better Chamber of Justice.
His service in Odan-Urr is rife with concrete development, visible to those with a keen sense of Odan-Urr’s progress. Most of our recent ideas, structures and events have seen Turel’s name somewhere in the credits for having made them work so seamlessly. Documenting our progress, Turel has released some of the finest reports in the Brotherhood, having authored six more since his last elevation. Moreover, he promotes activity through the management of 61 individual competitions being either organized, or co-organized by Turel. Included in these were a number of events that included Between Light and Dark—Turel’s second successful co-organized inter-Clan event. Months of working alongside Plagueis on this has resulted in one of our largest showings to date, with 33 total participants. His other events were co-organized with myself and included the extremely successful Rise of the Force Ascendant. For all of these, he has either co-authored or written all of the official fiction. In all of these, he has made certain to include our top members in the most recent fictions with high praise.
The decision to begin anew was one that was made cohesively, but the ambition needed to make the hard choice is something that I can’t imagine other clans ever doing with five years’ worth of wiki articles, fiction and attachment on the cutting floor; we made the choice to effectively scrap at least five different story arcs in the middle of running them when we allowed Darth Pravus to raze New Tython in the single-largest change a clan has made within the Brotherhood. Over the months from that, we would be simultaneously running a feud with Plagueis and creating our new lore. I can’t count the messages shared between Turel and I about the subject of the new system, and our fictional position there and against the Brotherhood. While it is far from finished, we have created (with the assistance of V’yr) a working system readied for release to our members within the week of writing this recommendation. Comprised of at least five articles, it details a starting point for our members as we continue to decide on the route we will take as time goes on.
It might come come as a surprise to some that Turel managed to best the Brotherhood’s best writers—Selika and Timeros among them—in the Grand Master’s Invitational ACC Tournament, being awarded the title of Grand Master’s Champion, in spite of our fictional stance against Darth Pravus. If he were ever accused of being on a “one-time” winning streak, that would be a false assessment. Turel is the top ACC combatant in the Brotherhood, being placed first on the leaderboards with an ELO rating of 1226. In just seven months since being elevated to EQ2, he has participated in 14 ACC battles, for a grand total of 50 battles and 20 wins. Having the highest ELO gain in a quarter means that Turel was also handed the title "Avatar of Strife." Combined with his contributions to official fictions, his ACC activities have also earned him 24 Clusters of Ice.
Where some leaders are guilty of placing aside of the general expectations of a member, Turel is somehow able to manage his time between creating content, managing rosters and participating—as evidenced in his ACC statistics. Not tied to a single platform, Turel has also managed to participate in 98 individual competitions, earning two Crescents with Diamond Stars, one Crescent with a Ruby Star, eight Crescents with Amethyst Stars, four Crescents with Sapphire Stars, and two Crescents with Emerald Stars in placements. For knowing his facts in trivia, Turel was also given a Legion of the Scholar. Of course, not listing his cluster scores would discount the fact that Turel is an avid gamer, having amassed a dragon’s hoard of 2466 Clusters of Fire, 775 Clusters of Earth and eight Pendants of Blood.
All of this work in as little time as seven months speaks of the abilities of an Elder—not a Ranger. It should come as no wonder that Turel has been awarded a Seal of Loyalty not once since his last elevation, but twice. For this, I view turel worthy of an elevation to EQ3, and look forward to promoting him again in the coming months.
Seer A'lora Kituri, 2016-05-06 02:19:46 UTC
- Additional reasons
I have known Turel Sorenn for several years now. Our friendship began as gaming partners, working our way up the GMRG ranks. It was not long, however, before we both became leaders within Clan Arcona. Having both come from Odan-Urr, we both found our way back after spending time, learning, and growing among the Arconans. Now as a Quaestor to his Proconsul, I can say without a doubt, Turel is one of the best leaders within the Brotherhood. This is not just idle lip service, but quantifiable facts. As A’lora has detailed above, Turel is a cornerstone of Odan-Urr leadership. He leads from the front mixing it up with veterans and newbies alike in competitions, but he isn’t just a consumer: he produces competitions as well as strongly encouraging other leaders within the clan to produce them as well. But Turel is just a competition machine, he is a caring leader who puts his members in the forefront of his thoughts. Every action I have witnessed him take in the role of Proconsul has been for the betterment of the members of Clan Odan-Urr and, furthermore, for the Brotherhood as a whole. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have shot Turel a message during the middle of the night asking for some advice on house project or clarification, each time he has sent me a reply back within an hour. His answers do not beat around the bush but are direct and to the point so that no misunderstanding can be made.
I am sure the others will talk more about how great of a leader Turel is and how great of a friend he is as well. Turel is a workhorse. He does all this leadership activity and still manages to maintain a steady stream of normal visible activity. I have no clue how he manages it with his busy schedule as a lawyer in real life. With how he conducts himself in conversations and in his actions I regularly find myself thinking Turel is already an Equite 3.
Turel, I have come to know you as a gaming partner, a fellow leader, a confidant, and most importantly a brother. Congratulations Turel, you have definitely earned this promotion to Equite 3.
Mako Henymory
Quaestor, Satele Shan
Mako Henymory, 2016-05-04 02:49:54 UTC
As someone who joined just as Turel returned to COU as our PCON, I cannot even imagine the Clan or the Brotherhood without him. I don't think it's any secret that the standard of leadership in any online, volunteer-driven club is very mixed. So as someone with experience in another such club, I have been consistently amazed - and occasionally a little shocked - at just how professional Turel has been as PCON. Everything I've needed from him has been delivered on time, not only done, but done well. Every idea or comment I've given to him has been taken seriously and evaluated fairly. Alora and Mako have mentioned his tendency and ability to point out flaws, but I want to stress that Turel isn't some morose killjoy. When Turel identifies a problem, his first priority is always to fix that problem and make the members' experience the best that it can be. Whether he wants us to or not, COU's House-level leadership looks to Turel as the example of how we should act, how seriously we should take our obligations, and how to treat our members.
For a novice Odanite, Turel is one of the best resources we have. If there's an aspect of the Brotherhood that he's not an active and eager evangelist for, I certainly don't know about it. Do you want to game? Turel's constantly on TeamSpeak, and not only plays but excels at just about every platform the Brotherhood supports. Do you want to write? Turel will give you the opportunity in competitions, he'll give you the proofing and feedback to improve your work, and he was even kind enough to develop one of the most fun and popular characters in the Brotherhood to co-star in your piece. Do you want to ACC? Turel's our biggest cheerleader as well as the ACC champion, and he's always on the lookout for up and coming talent to nurture. Do you just want to hang out? He's one of the most active and friendly members of COU's Telegram channel. Shadow Academy? The guy's got 13 degrees. I honestly can't think of an aspect of my DB career that Turel hasn't been a model or mentor for.
It always surprises me, even though I should know better, that Turel's only an EQ2. It's time for that to change. Congratulations, boss! You've more than earned it.
Alethia Archenksova
Aedile, Satele Shan
Moff Alethia Archenksova, 2016-05-04 12:04:49 UTC
Turel Sorenn. This member is one of the pillars of Clan Odan-Urr and whole Dark Jedi Brotherhood. As the Proconsul of our Clan, he leads it by an excellent example. He does not only regularly releases his reports, but also organizes competitions for our members and participates in numerous competitions himself, earning countless Crescents and other awards for his very high level of activity and quality of submissions.
As the Rollmaster of Clan Odan-Urr, I work closely with Turel on everyday basis. He is a professional and mature person, who is always ready to provide extensive advice on matters, which I am uncertain about. There is no topic that I could not discuss with Turel and I will hear something useful for my work as the Rollmaster.
This proves Turel to be a great leader, which every single Clan of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood may envy us. This is why, I would like to recommend Turel for the promotion to the rank of Equite 3. Congratulations!
Adept Xantros, 2016-05-04 19:21:34 UTC
Knowing Turel since the earliest days of SW:TOR we have been through a lot and have spent many hours gaming together and sharing many god/bad experiences along with tons of laughs. He definitely has a very approachable personalty and what I would call natural leadership abilities.
Maybe it's his Military training or maybe it's just his upbringing but the one thing I knew from the start was that Turel is one of the best leaders anyone could ever have.
When we joined the DJB and HOU together I was not surprised when he jumped at the chance to become KoA's BTL and from there his career blossomed. Since then has held many positions but to speak specifically of his time as Pro-Consul of COU the word Indispensable screams in my mind.
He is always there to help any member in the Clan who needs it and as being a new Aedile myself he is always available for me to ask questions, seek guidance from and help me formulate comp ideas and ways to improve how to better run my house. Turel leads from the front and by example to help inspire the entire Clan to do more and not only to benefit the Clan but themselves as well. By making himself available to everyone he is always making sure that all of the members are informed on what they need to do to advance in the DJB.
I personally honestly feel extremely lucky to have Turel as my Pro-Consul but also to be able to count him as a friend. I am inspired by his tireless efforts to make COU the best it can be and for how he challenges me to improve myself for not only my benefit but for my house as well!
I'm therefore extremely honored to recommend Turel for a Unicorn but since the DJB don't have Unicorns then I recommend his for his EQ 3 promotion it is more than deserved at this time! On to that I say Congratulations to My Boss, My Healer and More Importantly My Friend!
Edgar Drachen, Aedile of House Hoth
Ghost Edgar Drachen, 2016-05-05 03:52:04 UTC